#Time already sprinting towards the school: WHAT DID YOU DO
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skyward-floored · 2 years ago
OKAY ITS DONE here, Incredibles au thing that got way too long, and I had to force myself not to add more. It was supposed to be just a short little sickfic darnit. Takes place maybe year after Lost Time, but it doesn’t have much to do with it. That’s just where things are time-wise XD
Minor warning for some throwing up, it’s not graphic, but it’s there.
Ao3 link
Warriors covered his mouth as he let out a huge yawn, absently pouring cereal into his bowl while he listened to the rain patter relentlessly against the window.
Being forced to get up so early for school was an absolute crime in his opinion. He didn’t really mind getting up on the earlier end of things, but it was barely even light outside, not to mention a dreary, wet sort of day that nobody should have to go out in.
Warriors wished it was an actual crime. Then he’d have an excuse to do something about it.
“I won’t be here when you guys get home from school, I’ve got patrol and a double-shift,” Time apologized as he walked past the table, grabbing a bag with his lunch in it as he pulled on his coat. “If you need anything after school you can ask Gaepora, okay? And if anything serious happens—”
“Don’t worry about it Time, we’ll be fine,” Warriors said with a wave. He’d been so clingy since Majora. “You better go before you’re late.”
Time sighed, and made the expression Warriors knew was him checking his internal clock. “I know, I know. I’ll see you at dinner, have an uneventful day at school,” Time teased, and ruffled Warriors’ hair all over the place before heading out the door.
Warriors grumbled as the door shut, spending the next several minutes smoothing his hair back down. He then went back to eating his cereal and staring mindlessly at the puzzle on the back of the box, koroks smiling as they danced around a word search.
Nothing like a dumb puzzle and cold cereal to get the brain going for the day.
The words had all been found but one (he couldn’t find crispy anywhere, which was ironic, because his cereal hadn’t been crispy even before he’d dumped the milk on it), and Warriors was about to see what had happened to his brother when a creak above him signaled Sky finally getting out of bed.
Cutting it a little close, Warriors thought as he glanced at the clock. Sky was a sleepy guy, but he was usually up before now. They’d have to rush to make it to the bus stop on time.
Sky trailed down the stairs as Warriors grabbed his backpack and boots, wings dragging behind him as he yawned.
“Grab an apple or something Sky, we need to go,” he said, pulling his scarf over his shoulders, and Sky mumbled a reply, stifling a cough in his arm.
Warriors paused at the lackluster response, and watched as Sky grabbed a handful of cereal, nibbling on it as he slowly retracted his wings and pulled down his shirt. He movements were slow as he began pulling on his rain gear, and Warriors raised an eyebrow.
“You good Sky?” he asked, giving him a suspicious look.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” Sky answered, with a bright smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Just... just tired. I didn’t sleep the best.”
Warriors looked him over again, noticing that Sky’s normal eye bags were darker than normal, and how his face looked a little pale. It might have been Warriors’ imagination, but he thought he might have been shaking a little as well, and as he stared, Sky sneezed harshly into his arm.
“Gesundheit. Sky are you sure you’re okay? You... could always stay home,” Warriors suggested, but Sky shook his head, slipping on his own boots and backpack.
“I’m fine Wars, I’m not staying home because I didn’t sleep enough,” he scoffed lightheartedly. “Quit worrying, ‘m fine.”
Warriors met his gaze, and Sky met it in turn, the look in his eyes almost daring him to keep pressing the issue. But Warriors couldn’t really prove anything, and without Time as backup, there was no way he’d be able to get Sky to stay at home, even with his growing suspicion that there was something wrong further than too little sleep.
“...if you’re sure,” Warriors finally said, still feeling suspicious.
“Positive,” Sky assured, then gave him a smile as he walked past him out the door into the chilly, wet morning.
Warriors watched him go, then followed afterwards, a lump of worry settling into his gut.
Warriors and Sky didn’t share many morning classes, so once they got to school, Warriors spent most of his time worrying about him from a distance, trying to catch glances of him in the hall, and debating if his worry was really justified.
After all, Sky sometimes just didn’t sleep well. He had nightmares the same as Warriors did, and sometimes they were bad enough to keep him up at night. A singular sneeze and a few unsteady movements really weren’t a sign of anything wrong.
There really was no reason for him to still be worrying over Sky, and by the time lunch had rolled around, Warriors had mostly silenced the little voice in his head that was fretting.
Until he actually saw Sky, anyways.
Warriors caught sight of his brother from across the room, and froze, entirely forgetting about the growling in his stomach. Sky looked absolutely awful from where Warriors could see him sitting, paler than this morning and quite obviously not touching his lunch. The worry roared back to life in Warriors’ stomach, and he slipped past the crowds of people in the cafeteria and joined his side.
Sky was arguing with Sun over something, and didn’t notice him walk up, until Warriors touched his shoulder anyways. Then he startled and looked over, and Warriors grew even more worried.
Up close he could see Sky’s cheeks were flushed, in stark contrast to the pallid tone of the rest of his face. He was noticeably trembling now, and Warriors grabbed his arm, giving him an intent look.
“Sky, you look terrible,” he said worriedly, and Sky frowned.
“Gee, thanks,” he grumbled, looking annoyed. “Everybody keeps saying that.”
“Probably because you look like death warmed over,” Sun said from next to him, her face full of worry. “Seriously Sky, it couldn’t hurt to have the nurse check you out, right?”
“I said I’m fine,” Sky said shortly, and poked at his sandwich a bit.
“I think Sun is right,” Warriors replied, then tried to tug Sky to his feet. “We should go see the nurse.”
“I’m fine Wars, how many times do I have to say it?” Sky said sourly, but Warriors could hear the rasp in it now, and the lump of worry in his stomach grew.
“Sky, you’ve been looking worse and worse all day,” Sun said, getting to her feet as well, “I really think you should go see the nurse. Now.”
“I think so too,” said one of the other people at the table, an older boy named Pipit. The girl next to him nodded as well. “Sky, you look awful.”
“I’m fine!” Sky snapped, then immediately looked ashamed at the outburst, turning away from the table with his arms crossed tightly over his stomach. “Seriously guys, just leave me alone, I’m okay,” he mumbled, and Warriors exchanged looks with Sun.
He carefully extended a hand and placed on Sky’s forehead, his stomach falling at the heat radiating off of it. Sky looked even shakier than he had been now that he was standing up, and Warriors decided that enough was enough.
“Sky, you need to see the nurse, you’re burning up,” he said firmly, and began to tug him away.
Sky tugged back though, and Warriors was surprised at how strong his grip was despite how much his hand was shaking.
“No I don’t,” Sky bit back, and Sun stood up as well.
The rest of the people at the table they’d been sitting at were staring openly now as Warriors tried to tug Sky away, but his brother was putting up quite the struggle despite how awful he looked.
“Sky please,” Sun begged, going to Warriors’ side and helping him pull at their stubborn friend. “We’re worried about you, you almost fell over earlier in Science! Can you just—”
“Hey Sun!”
“Oh not now,” Sun groaned under her breath as a boy with large red hair sauntered up to their table, trailed by two other boys.
Groose, the most annoying person in the entire school in Warriors’ opinion, took in the scene with his hands on his hips, eyes trailing over Warriors and Sun with their arms on Sky, who was shivering openly now and looking less pale and more green.
He burst into mocking laughter.
“What the heck are you losers doing now?” Groose snorted, and jabbed Sky in the chest. “Looks like little Sky isn’t doing so hot, huh? He need some chicken soup and a kiss on the forehead to feel all better?”
Groose smirked down at Sky as his lackeys laughed, but it was at that moment that Sky lost the battle against his body.
He put a hand to his mouth, and Warriors barely had time to figure out what was about to happen and get out of the way before Sky lurched over and emptied out everything that was in his stomach... right on to Groose’s shoes.
There was a split second of silence as shock passed over Groose’s face, his eyes wide as he stared down at his ruined sneakers.
And then the cafeteria broke into pandemonium as Groose began yelling, his lackeys jumping backwards with disgusted looks on their faces. Kids were hollering at the sight and those that hadn’t seen were trying to figure out what had happened, and at least one adult was yelling for order. But Warriors’ focus was solely on Sky, who was shivering so hard it looked like he was about to collapse where he was still bent over.
Sun handed him a napkin to wipe off his mouth with, and Warriors put an arm on his shoulder again and attempted to steer him out of the cafeteria, Sun doing the same on his other side.
There was so much going on it was difficult to make any headway though, people pointing and worrying and laughing at what had happened. Right as Warriors was about to start shoving people, a larger hand settled on Sky’s back, and steered all three of them out into the hallway.
Warriors looked up to see Mr. Owlan, one of the teachers Sun’s father worked with, who was looking at the three of them with a concerned expression.
“Mr. Owlan? Why aren’t you at the high school?” Sun asked confusedly, and the teacher hummed.
“I was here to substitute for the morning, one of the science teachers is sick. I suppose it’s a good thing I stayed for lunch,” he said as he looked at the three of them.
Warriors swallowed. “We weren’t trying to do anything except get Sky to come see the nurse,” he quickly explained, and Owlan nodded.
“I’m aware. You three weren’t exactly being quiet. I was actually about to come over before Sky... gave us a very good reason for why he needs to go to the nurse.”
Sky moaned a little, and Owlan’s face softened as he studied him, placing a wrist on his forehead and frowning when he noticed him shivering.
“I’ll call your brother and see about getting Sky home. He—”
“He’s working, you won’t be able to reach him,” Warriors interrupted, then winced slightly at Owlan’s expression. Time would be on patrol about now, and Warriors didn’t want Owlan to call him and be treated to the sound of his older brother beating up bank robbers or something.
Their teacher lowered his arm from Sky’s forehead, and leveled Warriors with a raised eyebrow.
“He’s completely unavailable?” he asked in a disapproving voice.
“Yes, but we live next door, my father can come and take him home,” Sun quickly put in. Owlan blinked at her earnest expression, then chuckled a bit.
“That certainly sounds like your father. In that case, I’ll go call him and see about getting Sky picked up,” he directed at Sun and Warriors, and they nodded as he folded his hands behind his back. “In the meantime, I think you two should take him to the nurse’s office. He can rest there until he can be picked up.”
“Thank you Mr. Owlan,” Sun said politely, and Warriors gently tugged Sky away, Owlan turning and heading for his office.
Warriors and Sun guided Sky down the hall and towards the nurse’s office, the hallways feeling strangely quiet after the cacophony of the lunchroom. It wasn’t until they reached the door of the nurse’s office that Sky finally spoke, and when he did, his voice was small and embarrassed.
“I really thought I could make it through the day,” Sky whispered, and Sun gave him a look.
“I don’t know how,” she said with an eye roll, but gave Sky’s arm a warm squeeze as they went inside. “How are you feeling Sky? Really feeling?”
Warriors watched Sky as they sat down on a bench inside the office, his brother hesitating. But after a moment his shoulders slumped in defeat, and he rubbed a hand against his face.
“...Pretty bad,” he murmured finally. “I just feel... dizzy. And achy, kind of. Stomach hurts.”
“Are you going to be sick again?” Warriors asked quietly, and Sky gave him a tiny shrug.
“Not right this second,” he mumbled, looking miserable. Warriors frowned, and looked around for anyone coming before coating his hand in just a bit of ice, resting it on Sky’s forehead.
Sky leaned into the touch with a sigh, and Sun squeezed his arm before getting up and going down the hall to get Sky some water. In the meantime, Warriors and Sky waited in silence for the nurse to finish whatever it was she was doing and see them.
Warriors couldn’t help but watch Sky as they waited, a faint look of discomfort on his brother’s face. His raspy breathing seemed louder in the quiet of the office, and Warriors held back a sigh as Sky coughed.
So much for an uneventful day at school.
“Why didn’t you want to just stay home, Sky? It would’ve been okay,” he asked quietly. Sky looked down at his feet, not replying for several moments.
“I didn’t want to bother Time,” he whispered. “You and him have done so much for me, and he would have had to stay home and you’ve been dealing with a lot lately, I...”
He shook his head, and coughed into his arm.
“...I didn’t want to add to it,” he mumbled.
“Time wouldn’t have minded, Sky,” Warriors said gently, and Sky kept looking at his feet. “We’re your family you know, we take care of each other. Even if it means missing a day or two of work.”
“His work is important,” Sky mumbled, and Warriors squeezed his arm.
“So are you, Sky.”
His brother swallowed again, but didn’t resist when Warriors tugged him over to lean on his shoulder.
Sun came back with a cup of water for him only moments later, and Sky gladly rinsed out his mouth. Warriors thought he looked a better after sipping the rest, a little less sickly-looking and pale. Though that might have just been the lighting in the room.
“You know, I feel a little bad for Groose, but... his face was pretty funny, wasn’t it,” Sun said after a minute, her lip twitching.
“He’s going to be so mad the next time he sees us,” Warriors replied with a held-back snicker, mind flashing back to Groose’s expression of utter shock.
“I’m never gonna hear the end of it,” Sky groaned. Warriors looked over at him, but Sky was smirking, a glint in his eye. “I just hope he doesn’t make me buy him new shoes.”
Warriors let out a snort, and he and Sun both broke into laughter, Sky joining them after only a moment.
All three were still laughing when the nurse finally came out to see them.
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tinyv9 · 6 months ago
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑: 𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘢 𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘺, 𝘴𝘰 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘛𝘢𝘳𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘺𝘦𝘯 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘺?
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You were out of breath, heart pounding from the sprint you had just made across town, dodging pedestrians and traffic like your life depended on it. In many ways, it did.
You were late.
Of course, you were.
Balancing high school and your part-time job had already stretched you thin, and now you were trying to squeeze in an interview for a babysitting gig with one of the wealthiest and most influential families in the city. If you could land this job, it could make a huge difference in your life, maybe even help with the tuition you could barely afford.
But as you stood there in your slightly wrinkled school uniform, hair mussed from running, you couldn’t help but feel entirely out of place. Surely, the other candidates—who had likely arrived on time, impeccably dressed—had already made a much better impression than you ever could.
You took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Before you could even process the sound of your knuckles against the wood, the door swung open to reveal a scene you hadn’t anticipated.
Inside, the vast living room was in utter chaos. The elegant furniture was scattered with toys, and the air was filled with the high-pitched wails of a very upset child. A child was in the middle of the room, throwing a toy dragon at a group of nervous-looking women.
“NO! NO! NO! UGLY! UGLY!” he screamed, his tiny face scrunched up in a mix of anger and tears. His mother, stood nearby, looking harried as she tried to calm him down, but nothing seemed to work.
The women—the other candidates, no doubt—were doing their best to placate the child, offering forced smiles and cooing words, but it only seemed to enrage him further.
You froze in the doorway, unsure of what to do. Every instinct told you to back away slowly and leave this mess behind, but you were already here, and this was your last chance. So, swallowing your nerves, you stepped into the room.
“Hi,” you said awkwardly, your voice barely above a whisper.
It was as if the world had stopped. The moment the word left your lips, Aegon’s crying halted abruptly, his tear-filled eyes snapping to you. His mouth fell open in a perfect little ‘o,’ and for a second, you were terrified that you had somehow made things worse.
But then, to your astonishment, his expression softened, a toothy grin spreading across his chubby face. Aegon dropped the toy he had been ready to launch, pushing past the other candidates as if they were invisible, and toddled over to you with an excited gleam in his eyes.
“Pretty,” he declared with the certainty only a toddler could muster. You felt your face heat up as every pair of eyes in the room turned to you.
Before you could react, Aegon wrapped his small arms around your leg, clinging to you like you were the most precious thing in the world. “Up! Up!” he demanded, his tiny hands making grabby motions toward you.
You stood there, frozen in shock. This was not going at all how you had imagined. The other women looked on in disbelief, some with obvious annoyance, as Aegon’s demands grew more urgent.
“Up! Up!” he repeated, his voice wobbling as tears began to well up in his eyes once more.
Panicking, you quickly bent down and scooped him up into your arms, praying you were doing the right thing. The moment you did, Aegon’s tears dried up, and he burst into a fit of giggles, snuggling into your neck as if he had known you his entire life.
“Mine,” he announced to the room, his voice muffled against your shoulder.
You could feel his breath tickling your skin, his little body warm and soft in your arms. He nuzzled closer, sighing contentedly, while you stood there, stiff as a board, unsure of how to process what had just happened.
Alicent stepped forward, her eyes wide with a mix of surprise and… was that relief? She looked between you and Aegon, a soft smile curving her lips as she took in the sight of her son, who had moments ago been a terror, now transformed into a content little angel.
“Well,” she said, her voice laced with amusement, “it seems Aegon has made his choice.”
You blinked at her, still holding the toddler close. “Wait… you mean…?”
Alicent nodded. “The position is yours if you want it. I’ve never seen him take to someone so quickly.”
You looked down at Aegon, who was gazing up at you with wide, adoring eyes, and felt a flutter of something warm and unfamiliar in your chest. It wasn’t just relief—it was something more. Something that told you this job was going to be more than just a way to make ends meet.
You smiled awkwardly, still trying to wrap your head around it all. “I guess I’m your new babysitter then.”
Aegon beamed at you, his little arms tightening around your neck as he whispered, “Mine.”
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@ 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒. 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒑𝒚, 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒚 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒆𝒃𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒔.
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wileys-russo · 7 months ago
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a deals a deal II l.williamson
"where'd you find this place?" you smiled in awe as you followed leah into the arcade, the blonde not missing the ways your eyes had lit up the moment the two of you had even parked outside, exactly the reaction she'd hoped for.
it having been your girlfriends turn to organize date night leah reveled in the fact that it was already seeming to be a success before it officially started, and you had to admit the older girl knew you like the back of her hand with this choice.
with both of you working full time, leah as a footballer and you as a primary teacher you both made a commitment early on, the moment things started getting serious, that despite your hectic schedules you'd still make every effort to keep consistent with spending quality time outside of work together.
and so the weekly date nights came into effect.
they weren't always big significant events nor did they always mean the two of you left your shared home, the key takeaway was quality time and so long as the two of you were focused on one another then that was guaranteed.
"lotte put me onto it, tao brought her here on one of their first dates." leah admitted as you gasped sarcastically. "and you're not even taking the credit? oh baby i'm so proud of you!" you cooed mockingly, pinching her cheeks as the taller girl shoved you playfully, the two of you making your way to the counter.
"i'll be taking credit for all the games i'm about to smash you at my girl, don't you worry your pretty little head about that." leah smiled smugly as you rolled your eyes and she hooked you both up with a large bag of tokens, even further fueling your excitement at the fact they still ran their games the old school way, physical tickets printed and all.
"oh my love me and my pretty little head cannot wait to watch you eat your words!" you grinned in response to her call out, and given neither of you liked to lose and were incredibly competitive, it was sure to be an interesting night.
there was a reason the two of you stopped getting invites to game night with leahs family, both of you banned until you learned how to behave like well mannered young women and not hotheaded impatient numpties, in the words of her grandmother.
"well either way you can consider tonight endless tokens, if you can spend them then i will buy them gorgeous." leah promised, pecking your lips sweetly with a charming smile and offering for you to pick the first game.
"mm good question babe. what do i want to beat you at first?" you pondered, stroking your chin as leah sighed dramatically at the time you were taking, tapping her foot and shoving her hands into the pocket of her jacket with a bored look written into her features.
"oh come on!" leah groaned impatiently as you pivoted away from yet another game, amused smirk on your features as you finally stopped and nodded happily.
"basketball. lets start off simple!" you decided, grabbing your girlfriends hand and dragging her over toward the game, the blonde hurrying to yank you back as a gang of young boys sprinted past almost smashing into you, leah looking after them with a deep seeded scowl.
"hey lee, need i remind you this place is actually designed for kids baby, relax." you smiled poking at her cheeks as she huffed air out of her nose but focused her attention back on you, both of you slipping tokens into your sides as the game lit up and a strong american accent yelled out the rules.
"ready...set....go!" leah counted down as the buzzer sounded, both of you scrambling to grab the balls, zoned in on your own rings as the points started to rack up for both of you.
leah snuck a quick glance to your side, bright eyes widening in shock seeing you were in the lead and by quite a significant amount. and just as you said neither of you liked to lose, which is what lead to her next move.
"oi!" you gasped as the defender leaned over and knocked the ball out of your hand, shooting with her other, doing it again and again as you reached for the basketballs.
"leah!" you laughed at her blunt competitiveness, shoving her as the final buzzer for the game sounded and the blonde cheered victoriously, pumping her fist and doing a victory wiggle having just beat you by two points.
"you are such a cheat and a shit loser." you shook your head as leah continued her victory dance, snatching her tickets from the machine and shoving them into her pocket.
"nah i'm not, cause i didn't lose." she booped you on the nose with a token as you smacked her shoulder. "right well if you want to carry on like that. would you care to make this interesting then williamson?" you challenged, crossing your arms over your chest.
"mm perhaps, what do you have in mind for a wager pretty girl?" leah raised an eyebrow curiously, cocky smirk still curled into her features.
"if i win, you do all the dishes and the laundry for a month." you stated, leahs jaw dropping and your smile widening knowing she detested the two tasks and would often offer you anything in return for not having to do them.
"a month!? nah two weeks mate max." "aw, are you that scared you'll lose baby?" "i am not! fine, a month then."
"but if i win... then you have to do that thing i've been asking you to since christmas, with my special gift." leah cocked her head to the side, storm blue eyes roaming over your body hungrily as you frowned a little in confusion before it clicked just exactly what she was after.
both half jokingly and half seriously the blonde had gifted you a very ill fitting maids costume for christmas, stating as part of your gift to her you should spend the day wearing it, claiming it would be great motivation for her to join you in doing the housework.
you only laughed and put it away, teasing that not even that would get her to pick up a dirty dish.
but every now and then leah would find it in the back of the wardrobe and the begging would start for you to live out what was clearly a fantasy for the taller girl, and each time you'd just teasingly shake your head in amusement and depart the room with a kiss, leaving her without a real answer.
"fine, a deal's a deal." you shrugged in agreement which was clearly to your girlfriends surprise as her eyebrows shot up in shock and you extended your hand, wiggling your fingers eagerly.
"brilliant. a deals a deal." the blonde echoed as she shook your hand but not before using it to pull your body into hers, stealing a kiss and nipping at your bottom lip, pulling away with a cheeky grin as your head spun and your cheeks flushed pink.
"right, my turn to pick then. and unlike some i won't take an hour to decide!"
"how in the hell do you even do this? its got no bloody control!" leah huffed, the two of you sat on motorbikes as you raced around the track on the screens in front of you, the girl beside you far from getting the hang of it despite it being the second time you'd raced, leah demanding a rematch after crashing her bike and earning a loss.
"like this, winner!" you cheered loudly, pumping your fists in the air as you zoomed across the finish line sitting back smugly as leahs eyebrows furrowed into a deep frown and she smacked at the handle bars in annoyance.
"loser." you pointed to her now with a wink as she flipped you off, rings glinting in the bright neon lights above.
"maybe i should get a motorbike." you teased, turning your body as leah jumped off the bike, appearing instantly in between your legs as you stayed sitting side sadle. "over my dead body, maybe focus on learning how to drive a car first babe." leah teased making you roll your eyes, her hands settling on your thighs and squeezing them with a grin.
"i'm a great driver thank you very much." "mmm but those handful of fines in your glovebox say differently baby girl." "those are parking fines leah, not driving offences." "oh i'm so sorry. correction then not only are you a shit driver but you're an appalling parker as well, can't even be trusted when the car is stationary!" leah tutted with a dissapointed shake of her head as you punched her in the shoulder and scoffed.
"sorry let me just get a score check, whose winning?" you asked, cupping a hand over your ear and leaning toward leah whose smile dropped.
"shut up." she mumbled with a small pout as you slid off the motorbike, the two of you wandering around for a moment as leah took her time choosing.
"perfect!" the taller girl grinned spotting a football shootout game in the back corner. "and how many goals do defenders normally score?" you hummed, pretending to be lost in thought as leah slotted in some tokens and rolled her eyes.
"don't be bitter that they don't have a teaching game babe, times tables aren't exactly something kids do in their time off for fun!" leah pouted sarcastically at your chosen career, you now the one to flip her off and gesture for her to start.
"right go on then superstar, dazzle me."
you had to hide your smile behind your hand as leah missed more kicks than she scored, the game clearly designed for a child with much less leg power as every ball sailed up and over the goal.
you watched as her shots became sloppier the more wound up and angry she got, only fueling her to continue to miss time and time again. "nah this is bullshit that's rigged!" leah scowled, kicking at the machine once her turn was over and grumbling under her breath.
"leah!" you scolded, moving her away from causing actual damage as she wound up for another kick.
"hey. breathe for me please, it's just a stupid arcade game, you're still a champion of europe baby. nothing takes that away!" you grabbed at her face, placing a soft kiss to her lips and feeling her body relax somewhat.
"...its just a good thing they didn't need you for any penalties because those attempts? massive yikes." "oi thats a red card for you my girl, absolutely uncalled for!"
"right, this ones the final game." leah glanced at the time and announced with a clap, the two of you so caught up you'd not even realized the time and how long you'd been here.
"oh how convenient, we're tied." you rolled your eyes, not believing that the 'score card' leah had been in charge of was really all that accurate, having been typed up in notes on her phone.
"and what is that supposed to mean?" "i'm accusing you of score tampering, williamson." "no idea what on earth you're on about love, i'll even be so kind as to forfeit my turn so that you choose our last game." "wow, and they say chivalry is dead?"
"mmm that one." you nodded to a shooting game in the corner you'd not yet tried, leah humming in agreement as you made your way over. "was that your stomach?" you asked in disbelief hearing a loud gurgle.
"yes! i'm fucking starving." leah moped with a huff, earning herself an unimpressed look from a mother standing at the next game with her two young kids, you smacking leah lightly and mumbling about her language.
"sorry miss." your girlfriend teased with a cocky smile as you rolled your eyes and gestured for her to take her turn. the gunner shot down 8 tin ducks out of 12 and shrugged, seemingly happy with her efforts.
"beat that, four eyes." leah smirked, flicking at your ear as you smacked away her hands and shot her a dirty look.
you only wore your glasses when you were using your laptop, reading or occasionally when teaching, and as much as leah found you utterly adorable in them the english captain also would never miss an opportunity to rib you about your poor eyesight.
"happily, noodle legs." you quipped back with a smile, grabbing the gun as leah mocked you under her breath and ordered for you to hurry up as her stomach rumbled again.
closing one eye you balanced the toy gun on your arm as the game commenced, shooting down six ducks with ease, a few more to go and you'd win still with plenty of time left to do so.
however as you placed your finger on the trigger, the timer counting down from ten, a set of hands wrapped themselves around your waist, one hand in particular slipping up the inside of your top and harshly squeezing at one of your boobs.
in shock at the unexpected touch you squeezed the trigger and dropped the toy gun, missing the ducks by a mile as the timer went off and leah's hands suddenly disappeared, your skin burning where they'd once been.
"oh that is so not fair! you. are. a. dirty. dirty. dirty. dirty. dirty. little cheat." you protested with a growl, turning on your heel to glare towards a smug looking leah, poking at her chest angrily with each word.
"i simply do not know what you're talking about gorgeous, i guess your aim was just off. and that is not my fault!" the blonde simply smiled cockily, knowing she'd now won.
though sensing your rapidly growing annoyance leah reached for your hand, pulling your body into hers and stepping the two of you in between two pinball machines, briefly tucked away from sight.
"leah catherine williamson you are an unbearably bad loser, a big child, bad mannered, short tempered and-" not even giving you the time to finish your sentence the taller girl cut you off by bringing your lips together, pressing your body against the arcade wall.
leahs hands settled themselves on your hips tucked away under her jacket you'd stolen from her earlier in the night, the defender slowly swiping her tongue against your bottom lip, taking control of the kiss as your arms wrapped around the back of her neck, tangling themselves in her recently chopped short blonde locks.
though before the two of you got any further carried away someone winning a game meant a loud siren went off behind you, the two of you jumping away from one another in shock at the abrupt noise of the machines, sharing a look before breaking out into soft laughter.
"come on hangry, lets go get you some food then." you smiled with a sigh as leahs stomach rumbled yet again, previous annoyance melting away as it always did when it came to the mischievous footballer you were head over heels for.
"no i think we should head home, i'm hungry for something else now." leah murmered quietly, thumb stroking your jaw, lips curling into a smug smile at how your cheeks flushed scarlet at her suggestive tone.
"plus i think you're due for a little outfit change baby girl. a deal's a deal and you're nothing short of a woman of your word, right?"
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howi99 · 2 months ago
A Knight second chance 7
Yang: *surprised to see Jaune sitting at the dock* Jaune! *Walk to him*
Jaune: *looking back at Yang* Yang? What... Wait, did Blake run away? Is this why you are here?
Yang: What? Why would she run away? *Shaking her head* Wait no, don't change the subject! Do you know how much dust i had to use to find you!?
Jaune: *surprised* Finding me? Why?
Yang: *frowning* We found a girl crying her eyes out while saying your name! What the hell happened!?
Jaune: A girl cryi- *realising who She's talking about* P-Penny!? Why was she crying?!
Yang: She keeps saying something about a bridge and how she was sorry to have asked you to do something.
Jaune: *realising what happened* Oh no, no no no nO NO! *Getting up quickly* I was so stressed, i probably used my semblance on her without knowing!
Yang: *surprised* Stressed? By her? What, did she try attacking you?
Jaune: *shaking his head, distraught* No! Oh heaven no! She's the sweetest girl i know! She wouldn't hurt a fly! W-where is she!?
Yang: With Ruby at the park near the airport, but-
Jaune: *start sprinting in that direction*
Yang: J-Jaune, wait! We can use bumble- and he's gone... Damn he's fast.
Ruby: *looking up at the Atlesian specialist* ... Are you related to Weiss by any chance?
Winter: *Looking at Penny with a stunned expression* ... She's crying?
Ruby: *nervous* I found her like this, i swear! A-and she refused to move from my side since! *Wriggling a bit* ... I kinda need to use the bathro- *sees Jaune running towards them* J-Jaune?!
Penny: *looking up, seeing the knight stressed expression* Jau-
Jaune: *hugging the broken girl, using his aura to heal her mind* It's ok! It's okay, i'm here now, it wasn't your fault.
Penny: *hugging back the knight* J-Jaune, i saw everything, I FELT EVERYTHING! I NEVER SHOULD HAVE ASKED YOU THIS!
Winter: *unsheathing her sword, pointing it towards Jaune* What did you do to her!
Jaune: *not looking at Winter* My semblance... I use my soul to heal and amplify others.
Winter: *frowning* That doesn't explain-
Jaune: *annoyed* What part of using my own soul, my memories and feelings don't you get?! She just lived through my most traumatic memories because i wasn't in control!
Ruby: *looking at her friend with worry* Jaune... Are you... Are you alright?
Jaune: ... I'm better than i was. Now let me fix her... *Looking up at Winter* Please...
Winter: ... *Sigh* You will have to answer to my superior afterward.
Ironwood: *blinking, seeing Penny glued to Jaune's side* ... *Goes to speak*
Jaune: If i let her go for even a second, i will have to go back to square one.
Ironwood: ... And how long will it takes?
Jaune: *sigh* A day... Maybe two.
Ironwood: *frowning* That won't be-
Jaune: I already know she's a robot, general. My soul is currently inside of every single bolt of her.
Ozpin: *cocking one eyebrow* A robot you say? *Eyeing Ironwood* Interesting.
Ironwood: That was classified information.
Jaune: ... General, Penny's eyes can glow in the dark and her swords are connected to her back. She even have lasers. It would be a miracle if nobody saw through the disguise.
Ironwood: ...
Penny: *looking a lot better* General, it wasn't friend Jaune's fault if the accident happened. I should have listened to him and backed away when he asked for it. Please, do not punish him for my mistake..
Ironwood: ... *Sigh* I wasn't planning to punish him. Accident happens all the time.
Ozpin: *serious* However, Jaune's mental health could become a problem. *Looking at Jaune* Henceforth, you are expected to see the school psychologist. Is this fine with you?
Jaune: I... *Sigh* Yes, that's fine...
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cultven · 5 months ago
Whumptober Day 6 - Not Realizing They're Injured
"It's not my blood."
RE2r Leon Kennedy X Reader
Content: Leon being a sweetie, Marvin mentions, Reader has been through a lot the past few days, teamwork!, and lots of hurt/comfort
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: Some mentions of blood/wounds (not graphic)
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a/n: Wrote this for Whumptober day 6 a while ago but kind of just gave up on Whumptober because I am completely overrun by school </3 this one is still fun tho! (I am probably going to still post Whumptober content, just not at the right times lol)
You really wish you didn’t wear short sleeves today. Originally it was perfect weather to do so, with a cool breeze and warm air still surprisingly prevalent in the late days of September. What you didn’t account for was a zombie outbreak to begin the very same day. You were walking home from the story, retrieving a few necessities your roommate sent you out for, when you had your first encounter with a zombie. You’ll never forget the cold, white eyes that peered into your soul. Her pale skin was overtaken by lesions and blood, it was a gamble on whether the blood was hers or not. Thankfully you were able to dodge her attacks and settled into a sprint back towards your apartment. What was not so fortunate, however, was the explosion you were met with once you got back. Your apartment, your home for the past two years, all of your belongings, now nothing but ash and despair. 
How could this all happen so fast? One minute you were a normal citizen, and the next you were almost a victim of a horrible outbreak rampaging through your hometown. After brief consideration, you decided to head down to the police station only a few blocks from your apartment. You figured it would be better than leaving yourself in the open, plus they have officers and weapons there. If there were any safe places left in the city, it would be the Raccoon City Police Department. 
On arrival, you were met with many timid questions through a cracked door. You could tell they’d already been ambushed a few times by the way they were on edge to even speak to you, an outsider, after some convincing you were let fully into the building. There you sat with other survivors and police officers, trying to process that this was your new reality. Over time you lost more and more refugees. Officers who thought they were brave enough to survive got themselves killed, and citizens who began to get worried over their families all left until it was only you and Marvin left. That was until the rookie came in. 
Leon Kennedy, a tall man with brown hair and an adorable smile. The two of you instantly clicked. You were both similar in age and his personality meshed well with yours, resulting in deep conversations quite quickly. You learned he was supposed to have his first day around a week ago when this whole shitshow started but was told to stay away. As much as you grew a liking towards Leon, you could’ve scolded him for his idiocy. He should have stayed away, he should have spared himself from the horrors of Raccoon City. But you remind yourself that he couldn’t have known, and besides, in some selfish way you were glad he found you. 
With the task of getting out of the city at hand, you and Leon have grown closer and closer, which brings you to now, wandering the corridors together, flashlight in your hand and a gun in Leon’s. A groan emits from around the corner. 
“Did you hear that?” You whisper to Leon, keeping close since he is one of your only defenses against the zombies. Leon and a small knife Marvin gave you. 
“Yeah, stay behind me.” You nod slightly at his command, standing right behind his uniformed body. It should be illegal how cute he looked in the cop uniform. As the two of you rounded the corner, Leon cocked his gun and held both arms out to stabilize himself. Just as you had guessed, a zombie begins to come forward making its way into a sprint at the two of you. Before you could even think to react two bullets are lodged in its head as it falls limp to the ground. Leon puts an arm out in front of you, signaling for you not to move closer as he nudges the zombie with his foot. Dead. 
“Good aim.” You pat Leon’s arm as his gaze is still fixed on the body. He was still readjusting to the whole zombie thing. Even though he’s doing it out of necessity it feels wrong to kill the zombies. In his eyes, they’re still human, at least part way. Seeing he was lost in thought you nudge his arm a bit, “Let’s go. Marvin’s waiting.” He only nods as you begin to move again. Leon is grateful for you, he truly is. He doesn’t know if he would have the courage to do any of this without you. It seems there’s one good thing that came out of this tragedy at least. 
The pair of you continue walking, not having the luxury of spare time in this hell hole. To make things a little better, you try some small talk. “So, what’s the first thing you’re gonna do when you get out of here?” 
“Hm, definitely get some good food. Maybe some fast food. Is it bad to crave fast food in an apocalypse?” You giggled at his question. 
“Probably not. I just know the first thing I’m doing is taking a shower.” You’ve been stuck in the police station longer than Leon and it is very telling appearance-wise. Your clothes were not only filthy, but you also admittedly smelled. It was a wonder Leon wanted to be around you, much less wanted to stay so close to you. But you suppose it wasn’t the first thing on your mind. 
“Shower is a good one! Can I change my answer?” Leon looked you in the eyes, smiling. You had to resist tackling him on the spot. He was so cute, even with dirt and grime on his face. 
“Nope! Can’t steal my answer.” You playfully responded, still trotting by his side keeping an eye out. 
“Aw, dang. Well, Mcdonalds is still pretty good I guess.” Leon conceded. You were about to respond when you heard noises coming from the main atrium. You looked at each other in confusion, then in worry. Marvin was out there. 
“I think we should head back there.” You state, turning your head back in the direction you came from. Leon agreed and you both began to backtrack, maneuvering over dead bodies and pools of blood. Gross. Right as you were about to reach the gate you felt your boot slip on a puddle. As you were falling backward muscular arms caught you just in time, capturing your body in a tight hold. You open your eyes and are met with crystal blue. Leon. You smile seeing the relieved look on his face, his arms pulling you in closer before releasing his hold. 
“Please be more careful. I’m going to die of a heart attack before a zombie could get me.” Leon huffs, half joking half serious. 
“Yeah, sorry.” You apologize, feeling a bit bad. Leon only shakes his head a bit before smiling one of his sweet smiles again and leading you with his arm. 
“It’s ok, let’s just go check out Marvin, yeah?” With soft footsteps you make your way to the main hall where you expect to see zombies but nothing. Only sharing a quick, tentative glance, you continue forward. You were about to call out Marvin’s name when you heard a long, guttural groan. Turning your heads you find yourselves a devastating sight, Marvin with his head completely bent to the side with white eyes. The eyes were always the creepiest part in your opinion, it was the first glimpse of the zombie apocalypse you got. With painful noises leaving his mouth Marvin begins to limp forward, acting like all of the zombies you had encountered before. Earlier that week he told you to promise him if he ever became one of them, to shoot him. At the time you thought the promise was unnecessary. 
Backing away, you could see Leon was sweating. He looked at the gun in his hands before quickly looking at Marvin once again. It was hard to gauge his thoughts, he looked conflicted in himself. “Leon…?” You whisper, still slowly backing away as Leon stays in place. 
“What do we do?” His voice was quiet and strained. Marvin showed him kindness and was one of the only reasons he was still alive at this very moment. He should have died a few hours ago but Marvin saved him, and Leon couldn’t return the favor. His breathing picks up and his head begins to shake. “What do we do?” Leon repeats, slightly louder this time. His head was now facing you, desperately needing you to guide him. 
“I don’t know.” You stutter out, feeling hopeless. Like Leon, you wouldn’t be here now without Marvin’s generosity. He not only physically helped you by providing food and water, but once everyone else was out of the station the two of you gave each other emotional support as well. You knew what Marvin wanted, but you couldn’t bring yourself to suggest it. 
“Should I…?” Leon’s voice trailed off, but you knew what he was referring to. He was staring straight down at Matilda, his hands violently shaking. Deep down you both knew it was the only way. Either that or leave him alone in this miserable state. If there was any Marvin left in that brain of his you knew he would want to be taken out. The atmosphere became suffocating. You inched towards Leon, trying to gain a sense of false security. 
“He- Marvin told me, before you were here, that if he turned into one of those things he wanted someone to shoot him. He didn’t want to survive as one of those monsters.” You solemnly repeat Marvin’s words back to Leon, who was only falling further into distress at the words. Now he knew what he needed to do, but bringing himself to do it was a completely separate issue. 
“I can’t.” No, he wasn’t trained for this. The academy didn’t build him strong enough to kill his allies like this. 
“I can.” You put your hands on Leon’s, staring into his soft eyes. For the past week, you’ve been surrounded by chaos and despair. If anyone were mentally ready enough for this, it would be you. Leon has protected you time and time again, it was your turn to protect him. 
“Are you sure?” Leon looked suspicious but allowed you to gently take Matilda out of his shaking hands. You squeezed one of his hands in your own, a gesture he mimicked back to you, before cocking the gun towards Marvin. It was your turn to be anxious now. Before this week you’ve never shot a gun, even then you’ve only used one twice out of necessity. You take a deep breath in. 
A gunshot rings through the room, but nobody falls to the ground. Instead, you feel a decaying hand grab yours and push you down, effectively knocking Matilda out of your hands in your stunned state. Of fucking course you missed the shot, why did you think you could get it in the first place? You weren’t trained for weapons, let alone a police handgun.
You’re now on the ground, fighting Marvin off of you as you frantically attempt to grab the knife attached to your hip. Leon watches in horror at the scene, stumbling to retrieve Matilda from the other side of the room. As he grabs the gun you successfully grab your knife and jab it into Marvin’s side. Much to your displeasure it doesn’t elicit any reaction other than a small groan. Losing your grip on the knife due to the many liquids such as blood and sweat surrounding you, Marvin gets his chance to take the knife out of himself and begin swinging at you. Luckily, Leon returns from grabbing his gun just in time to kick Marvin off, effectively taking the knife with him. 
Without hesitation this time, a gun goes off, and then silence. You look over to see Leon coldly standing over Marvin’s lifeless body. He liked Marvin, he truly did. Leon held much respect for his elders, but he knew this wasn’t the same man he saw at the beginning of the night. Even if it was, however, Leon still didn’t regret his actions. You were his haven in this hell, and if protecting you meant he had to make some hard decisions then so be it. As much as he wanted to believe the opposite, Marvin was never going to make it out in that state. But you had a chance. 
Looking over at you his heart was beating out of his chest. Even disheveled from a fight you looked beautiful. Not to mention the fact you could have almost died right in front of him. Leon yelled your name, running back over to you. He enveloped you in a hug, pulling away after feeling a warm liquid coat his clothes. He looked down in horror to realize the liquid was blood. 
“Are you hurt?” He asks, confused since you seem fine. 
“What?” You look down at his hands that were smeared with blood. “That’s not my blood.” You felt fine, maybe a little buzzed after the fight, and your heart was racing out of adrenaline, but nothing hurt. 
“Your arm…” Leon whispers, turning you slightly to the side to take in a giant gash on your upper bicep. It was likely from when Marvin was slashing the knife at you. You were so focused on getting him off of you that you didn’t feel the pain. 
“Oh shit.” That was all you said before Leon guided you over to the bench and firmly sat you down. He seemed angry. Not aggressive, just silent and mad. He grabbed a first aid kit and took out a rubbing alcohol pad. 
“I’m sorry, this might hurt.” He seemed genuinely hurt when he felt you wince against the pad, your teeth gritting together. “I’m sorry.” He whispered the phrase again, somewhat to himself. Luckily the gash wasn’t deep enough for stitches, only surface level. If you had sleeves on it likely would’ve been the depth of a paper cut. Damn you short sleeves. Leon began to wrap gauze around your arm as the room was buried in silence. Once you were all wrapped up and Leon put the first aid kit away you both sat in silence, about a foot apart and awkward. You weren’t sure why Leon was being like this, he saved your life. Did he think you were weak and didn’t want to associate with weak people? No, that’s not Leon. 
Little did you know, in his mind, Leon was killing himself over the fact he allowed you to get injured due to his empathy for a fucking zombie. His skewed moral compass could have been your first-class ticket to death. You deserve someone better than that, someone more rational. How is he supposed to get the two of you out of here when he can’t pull a trigger? 
Sick of the silence, you spoke up. “Leon?”
“What’s up?” You look over, he is clearly still lost in thought. When he doesn’t answer you nudge his arm slightly, scooting closer so that your hips are now touching while sitting. 
“It’s just…” Leon trails off, allowing himself to reword his thoughts before spewing them out. “I hesitated to kill a fucking zombie and it almost got you killed.” 
“Leon, I understand your hesitation. He was our friend.” You inched your hand close to his but didn’t commit to touching it. You were uncertain whether or not he wanted to be touched in this state. He answered your question however by grabbing your hand and squeezing it on his own, a grounding technique. 
“Exactly, was. I knew it wasn’t him. I knew he was dangerous, and I still allowed him to get close enough to hurt you. I’m the cop here for God’s sake!” His frustration was taking over, you could tell all he wanted to be was a protector. 
“You still saved me, Leon.”
“Saved you from my own actions.” He let go of your hand and buried his face in his palms. The stress of everything was beginning to get to him, Marvin was only the final straw of everything that had been building up recently. 
“Hey,” You moved Leon’s palms from his face, taking his hands in yours and holding them gently. “Leon, without you I wouldn’t be here right now. Not only because you stopped Marvin, but because of all the other zombies and monsters you’ve saved me from today.” He still didn’t look convinced, so you continued. “Your hesitation only further proves how caring you are. Marvin was our friend.” Leon looked away at the word ‘was’. You sigh, moving putting one hand on his cheek and redirecting his gaze to you. 
“You’re a good person, Leon. I need you to know that.” It felt like there was a laser between your eye contact, anything that tried to pass through would simply burn out. You were all he could see and vice versa. Suddenly, Leon’s arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you in. His face buried itself into your neck, beads of water, presumably tears, beginning to run down your skin. 
“Thank you.” It was just above a whisper, but you heard him crystal clear. There the two of you sat in each other's arms, recollecting yourself for the certain hell you had to face once more.
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hoe4hotchner · 3 months ago
Letter opener | [A.H]
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x gn!Reader x Jack | WC: 0.7k | CW: Fluff
A/N: This was whipped up so quickly y'all won't believe it!! But I just had to get it down on paper cause I finally had the idea how to write this thought I put out weeks ago now. So please don't mind any mistakes 😅
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Jack’s excited chatter echoed across the school parking lot as you pulled up to the curb. Even before you had the chance to fully stop, he was sprinting toward the car, backpack bouncing and a beaming smile on his face. You barely had time to roll down the window before he tugged the door open and hopped inside, vibrating with excitement.
“Guess what I made in the woodshop today?” he said, his voice filled with pride as he unzipped his backpack, rummaging through it.
“What did you make?” you asked, grinning at his enthusiasm.
Jack carefully pulled out a small object wrapped in tissue paper and held it out for you to see. As you unwrapped it, your heart melted at the sight of a handcrafted wooden letter opener. It was a little uneven, and the edges were slightly rough, but it was unmistakably shaped with care and love. The handle was carved with simple grooves, and Jack had even tried to smooth the blade.
“It’s for Dad!” Jack announced proudly. “Do you think he’ll like it?”
“Like it? He’s going to love it, Jack,” you assured him, ruffling his hair as he beamed. “It’s perfect.”
The ride home was filled with Jack’s endless excitement. He told you about how his teacher helped him cut the wood and how he worked extra hard to sand it just right. Once home, he hopped out of the car and dashed inside, already planning how to present his gift.
“We need wrapping paper,” he declared as you followed him into the kitchen. “And a card. A really good card!”
You combed through the craft drawer, pulling out colorful paper, markers, and tape. Jack picked out Hotch's favorite color for the wrapping paper and decided on a big red bow to finish it off.
Together, you worked on wrapping the letter opener, Jack concentrating hard as he folded the paper. He insisted on doing most of it himself, though he happily accepted your help when the tape refused to cooperate.
“Now the card,” he said, grabbing a piece of cardstock. “What should I write?”
“How about you tell him why you made it?” you suggested, sitting beside him.
Jack nodded, his brow furrowing and his tongue poking slightly past his lips as he wrote in large, careful letters:
Dear Dad,
I made this for you because you’re the bestest dad ever. I thought you could use it for all your work stuff. I hope you like it!
You watched him draw little hearts and stick figures at the bottom before slipping the card under the ribbon on the gift. Jack held up the finished package with a grin.
“Perfect,” you said, giving him a high-five.
When Aaron finally came home that evening, looking as tired as ever but smiling when he saw you and Jack waiting for him in the living room, Jack wasted no time.
“Dad! I have something for you!” he exclaimed, bouncing repeatedly as he handed over the carefully wrapped gift.
Aaron knelt to Jack’s level, his expression soft and curious. “For me? What’s the occasion?”
“Just because,” Jack said, his voice brimming with excitement.
Aaron opened the package carefully, his eyes widening as he pulled out the letter opener. He ran his fingers over the carved wood, his expression shifting to one of wonder.
“You made this?” he asked, looking at Jack with so much pride that it made your chest ache.
“Yep! In woodshop!” Jack said. “It’s for your letters and stuff.”
Aaron held it up to the light, admiring the details. “Jack, this is amazing. I’m going to use this every day. Thank you, buddy.”
Jack threw his arms around his dad’s neck, and Aaron hugged him tightly, the letter opener still in his hand. When they pulled back, Aaron’s gaze met yours, and his smile deepened.
“You’ve got a pretty great helper here,” he said softly.
“Don’t I know it,” you replied, your heart warm as you watched them.
Aaron placed the letter opener on the mantel, a spot of honor — where it would stay until the next morning when he would bring it to work with him — and pulled Jack into another hug. The room felt full — of love, pride, and the little joys that made all the hard days and the out of state cases worth it.
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strwbryien · 4 months ago
「 ᝰ.ᐟ entry 06: ANNOYED OR JUST SHY?⭑.ᐟ 」
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It's 6:19 a.m., and you're running late. Your class starts at 7:00 a.m., for goodness' sake! You should be sprinting to campus right now, but instead, you're at your favorite café, ordering your go-to pastry and drink. You inhale the comforting aroma of fresh coffee, trying to shake off the morning grogginess. Well, better late than hungry, right?
Balancing your drink and pastry, you weave through the campus pathways, speed-walking toward your building. Just when you're certain you’ll make it in time, someone suddenly bumps into you, and his papers scatter to the ground. Seriously, are you in a shoujo anime?
“Oh my! I'm so sorry!” you blurt out, crouching down to help gather the papers. You catch sight of the guy’s expression; it’s not entirely your fault—he seems just as rushed, with his indigo hair slightly disheveled and a hurried look in his eyes.
As you hand him his papers, your hands briefly touch, and you glance up. The moment is quick, but you swear you see his eyes widen ever so slightly before he composes himself.
"Watch where you're going," he scowls, his sharp gaze boring into you. His voice is clipped, as if he’s trying to hide his own embarrassment behind annoyance.
You blink, taken aback by his tone, but you manage a small nod, unsure of what else to say.
"O-oh, I apologize again! I was running late, so I'm in a hurry," you say, bowing slightly.
"Tch, it's whatever," the boy mutters, rolling his eyes. He snatches the papers from your hands and walks away.
"Tch, it's whatever," you mimic under your breath, throwing him a mock glare. "You're lucky you're cute," you add quietly to yourself. His attitude annoys you, but you can't deny that the indigo-haired guy is... well, pretty cute.
As you start to head off, something on the ground catches your eye. You bend down to pick it up, and your heart skips a beat when you realize what it is.
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(scara art from @/7ta5T on twt!)
"Raiden Kunikuzushi," reads the name on the ID card in your hand. It’s his.
You glance in the direction he went, but he's already disappeared into the crowd. You hesitate, turning the ID card over between your fingers. There's a small photo of him looking slightly annoyed even in the picture, but the name and student number stand out boldly.
“Well, guess this means I'll be seeing you again, Kunikuzushi,” you murmur to yourself, smirking a little at the thought.
“But wait… He's a History Major? What is he doing in our building then?” you thought. That's strange, their building is so far away from yours, how did he get in here?
Stuffing the ID into your pocket, you make a mental note to return it to him—though you have a feeling it won’t be the last unexpected meeting you'll have with this sharp-eyed stranger.
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The school bell rang five minutes ago, signaling the start of lunch, and you’re now heading to the cafeteria to meet Heizou. You can’t help but feel a slight pang of disappointment that it won’t be Raiden Kunikuzushi himself. But you know you can’t force someone to meet up, right? Still, you wonder if maybe he’s still annoyed with you after this morning’s run-in—that would explain why he doesn’t want to see you.
As you walk, your phone buzzes. You pull it out and see a text notification from Heizou.
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You sigh, glancing around the crowded hallway. So now it’s going to be another mystery friend of Kunikuzushi’s? This meeting was starting to feel like a relay race.
Still, the description Heizou provided sticks in your mind. ‘White hair with a red streak?’ You can’t help but be curious. Maybe this new person will be a little more… well, polite than Kunikuzushi was.
Finally, you reach the cafeteria and scan the area, looking for the distinctive hair Heizou mentioned. Just as you’re about to give up, you spot someone near the back, leaning calmly against the wall, gazing out the window. His hair is unmistakable—pure white with a soft red streak framing one side of his face.
As you approach, he glances over, and a gentle smile forms on his face.
“You're [Name], right?” he says, his tone smooth and warm. “Heizou told me about the ID situation. I’m Kazuha—it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Likewise,” you reply, reaching out to shake his hand. He has an easy calmness that instantly puts you at ease, his manner a stark contrast to Kunikuzushi's earlier intensity.
"Thanks for coming to help out," you add, giving him a small smile. “I… uh, didn’t realize Kunikuzushi was this popular,” you say with a chuckle, hoping to lighten the mood.
Kazuha laughs softly, tucking his hands into his pockets. “Popular? Maybe. But he’s… selective about who he spends time with. I think he was just a bit surprised earlier.”
You nod, glancing down at the ID in your hand. ‘Not even enough to meet up for this?’ you wonder, but you keep the thought to yourself.
“So… I’ll make sure he gets this,” Kazuha assures you with a kind smile. “And if he gives you any trouble next time, let me know—I’ll set him straight.”
You laugh at this, but then a thought crosses your mind, making you pause.
“Wait… are you the Kaedehara Kazuha?” you ask, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh?” He tilts his head, a hint of curiosity in his expression. “You know me?”
“Mhm! You’re the one who gave me this maple clip, right? At last year’s concert?” you say, turning to show him the hair clip that still sits neatly in your hair.
His eyes light up with recognition as he notices the clip. “So, you kept it, huh?” he says with a warm smile. “It looks great on you.”
“Yes! I really liked the design,” you reply, smiling back. “Though I didn’t really get a good look at you back then since you ran off right after giving it to me. But my friends mentioned your name a few times, so I remembered. Anyway, thanks again for the clip!”
Kazuha chuckles softly, scratching the back of his neck with a touch of embarrassment. “Ah… I was a bit too shy to approach you directly. Guess I panicked and just… ran off,” he admits with a sheepish grin.
You’re about to respond when your phone buzzes. Glancing down, you see a flurry of messages from your friends—they’re already at your usual spot and wondering where you are.
“Oh, I have to go now! My friends are looking for me.” You give him a little wave as you take a step back. “Bye, Kaedehara!”
“Oh! Sorry for holding you up! Goodbye, [Name]!” he calls after you, waving. “I’ll make sure Kuni gets this back.”
With that, you both say your goodbyes, and you watch as Kazuha walks away, disappearing into the crowd.
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IN WHICH—you, although faceless, are a very famous streamer known as KUMI. you were streaming as usual, playing games and interacting with fans. but when you're about to exit the stream, you accidentally pressed the wrong button that led to you opening your cam and showing your whole face to your audience. this wasn't supposed to happen, no ! so you panicked and quickly ended the stream. numerous screenshots circulated on twitter, which broke both the fans and the internet. this reached a certain someone, SCARAMOUCHE, your rival in streaming. when the said boy saw the trending photo, he almost fell off his gaming chair. because—lo and behold! KUMI was actually [name]?! now who is this [name] in his life, if you may ask? she's the girl that scaramouche has been admiring from afar in real life! quite shocking, right? have i told you that he’s also been sending you anonymous love letters? oh well…
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purinfelix · 3 months ago
from your last post could i request pedri? from “about you” by the 1975 where perhaps reader and pedri had a past relationship all throughout high school and when pedri left for barcelona they lost contact / broke up but years later they reunite somehow? When they do it’s like a “i thought you’d forget about me by now” to “how could i forget about you?” maybe angst to fluff! sorry that was so long … i hope it made sense lol <33
did you think i'd have forgotten? ✶⋆.˚ - pedri gonzalez
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w/c: 600 a/n: this is one of my fav songs of all time so tysm for this (and for giving a specific request HAHA) i got quite a few for this song but i liked this idea the most and thought it fit the best - hope u enjoy anon !! <3333
this is part of my 1k event - check out the rules here!!
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He still looked exactly the same.
Or at least, from what you could make as your train sped past where he was standing on the platform - though you were pretty sure you could still faintly his features, that dark black hair, the crinkle in the corner of his eyes as he laughed.
It was all exactly the same.
And maybe it was the realisation, that feeling of noticing someone familiar in a place like this - or something deeper within you that you dared not to question - that pushed you to speed off the train at the last minute when this wasn't even your stop. Maybe it was this that made you walk, then jog, then sprint towards what you recognised as his figure in the distance.
But it was also the reminder of what happened between you two, all those years ago, that brought your sprint to a screeching halt. And what would be the chances of you running into your ex-boyfriend here, at a random station, far away from your hometown or the country he had left you to move to? How could you face him, after all that?
"Y/N, is that you?" Too late.
"Pedri?" you called out, your tone confused even though you had made up your mind about it being him long before he had.
"Woah, hi, what are you doing here!"
"I could ask you the same thing," you laugh, a little awkwardly.
"I'm here for a match, we're playing a local team."
"Oh, right," you smile, of course, "I study here."
There's a slight pause, in which you can see Pedri's expression turn into one of surprise. "I didn't know that."
"I mean, why would you?" You regret the words as soon as they leave your mouth, but it's too late since his face is already donning an apologetic look.
"Right, sorry," he mumbles, shoving his hands in his pockets as he looks at the floor. "What are you studying?" he says after a while of silence.
"Nursing," you say matter-of-factly.
"Of course, you'll be great at that," he says, offering a warm smile.
It's clear he's eager to make this exchange as normal as possible, and you'd probably be obliged to let him. But it's hard to be normal given what happened between the two of you, when this is the first time you've spoken to him in years.
"It's nice to see you," he says after another moment of silence.
"Same for you," you laugh shyly trying to avoid eye contact, "I figured you'd forgotten about me by now."
"How could I forget about you?" When you look into his eyes again, you're taken aback by how well his expression reflects his words - his brows tilted slightly up in the inner corners, a tender confusion at the fact that you'd think he'd dare to forget about you.
"Well, you know with how famous you are and everything, I see how they chant your names when you play," you begin to ramble, eager to explain yourself.
"Well, I'd hardly consider myself fam- wait, you watch my games?"
"Well, yeah," you sigh shyly, feeling your cheeks glow pink at the sight of his smirk. The two of you stand there, looking at each other for a while, exchanging sly glances - and it feels, just for a moment, like you're the same high schoolers who were in a puppy-love relationship.
"Are you doing anything now?" he asks you.
"Well, I was on my way to class but I'm probably late for that now."
"Do you want to grab some coffee? I want you to show me what's good around here," he smiles, "oh, and catch me up on how you're doing."
You feel your cheeks begin to ache from how wide you're smiling.
"I'd like that," you nod, "I'd like that a lot."
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mj0702 · 1 year ago
The other Bronze – Part 12
I tell you guys - this was a very complicated birth 😅😅 I hope you enjoy it and next part (if wanted) will be more happy and chaotic again ❤️❤️
I want to thank all me patient anons... and of course @valewosomtb and @samkerrworshipper for having me back in every situation... and new to that list is @georgiaswifey who literally saved me ass from dying this week due to boredom ❤️❤️
After breakfast all of you boarded the bus to St. Georges Park for the first training of Camp. You of course tried to sit next to G just for Lucy to pull you up by your shirt and push you further down the way disposing you next to Mary as she slipped into the row next to you
“You can't be serious?” you growled towards your sister and her actions
“Dixie Chicks serious” your sister smirked back as she pushed you slightly into Mary
“Yeah... you do actually behave like Aubrey” you grumbled as you let Mary pull you into her side without even watching the interaction as she looked out of the window
“You ready for training Bubs?” Lucy asked now and you knew she was just being concerned after what happened a few days ago in Barcelona
“Yeah... if it gets too much I just go into the bosses office... I promise I won't bolt” you reassured her
“Okay... if you need anything Kei and I are always there okay” your sister said insistently
“Yeah I know...” you smiled softly
“Hey y/n” Rachels head shot up from the seat in front of you
“Yeah...” you already saw the glint in her eye which meant fun
“Truth or Truth?” the blonde asked grinning
“Ehrm... truth?” you played along smirking
“Good choice... okay... Have you ever faked sick to get out of a party?” Rachel grinned knowing the answer already
“Not a party but school and training, yeah” you shrugged your shoulders
“Training????” now Lucy looked up from her phone
“Sure... it's like suuuuuper easy.. down a bottle of water and sprint a few meters... boom... getting sick everywhere” you answered nonchalantly “Go on Rache... I'll give you one more”
“Excuse me?? Hold on.. when...” your sister interrupted
“Just before we had that “friendly” against the Arsekiddos...” you shrugged as Beth Mead turned around glaring at you
“It's Arsenal” she corrected you and you saw that she wasn't as serious
“There's a reason why there's an ARSE in Arsenal... and if you cut out the “rse” you get Anal... so... you can't argue with that” you smirked and shrugged your shoulders
You absolutely loved your Arsenal women but it's just as much fun to rile them up
“You just wait Pumpkin... you just wait...” Meado smirked back and you knew the worst thing what would happen would be a noogie “I'll just tell Viv to not bring any stroopwaffle back from camp this time”
“You wouldn't” you exclaimed shocked
“Oh I will...” Beth smirked
“You can't... Viv's me friend” you whined
“I licked it it's mine” Meado smirked evilly
“Oh god... disgusting” you shuddered as she winked at you
“Have you ever been nude in public?” Rache now spoke up again and a few heads turned towards you – including Keira, Georgia and Lucy
“I mean... Less, Toons and I went moonlight skinny dipping last year... does that count as nude in public?” you looked expectantly at Rachel who just bursted out laughing at Lucys horrified face
“Totally counts... got room for another?” now Millie got involved as well
“What's the weirdest thing you've done on a plane?” the larger blonde asked
“I... got on the wrong plane” you mumbled embarrassed as the bus around you interrupted in laughter
“You what? How can you get on a wrong plane??” Millie asked shocked
“It's easy when you're seven and just walk behind a man and the attendant mistakes you for his daughter and just pushes you through....” you fidget with fingers
“Where did you end up??” Mary asked chuckling
“Lucy??” you looked at your sister for help
“Iceland... she ended up in Iceland” your sister growled remembering the exact moment she realized at the airport that you were gone – and how she freaked out when the airport security from Reykjavík Airport contacted her telling her what happened. And how she needed to fly to Iceland to pick you up since you were a minor who wasn't allowed to fly on your own
“Beautiful country” you said wishfully as your sister groaned loudly
“I had to pick you up” Lucy huffed out
“But you can't deny that Iceland is a beautiful country” you shrugged your shoulders
“May I have a throw in as well?” now Leah asks not even waiting for an answer “y/n... truth or truth?”
“You can royally fuck off Williamson” you sneered and suddenly the whole bus was quiet and everyone was looking at you with wide eyes
“y/n!!!” Lucy said sternly “Apologize... Now”
“She first” you said reluctantly
“No... you will stop using your ass as a hat and get a grip” your sister gritted out “She's the Capitan and you will NOT talk to her like this... and if you can't accept her as the Capitan then it's still Leah and you will not talk to Leah like this – the person Leah not the player Leah”
“I wasn't talking to the person Leah” you huffed out “I was talking to the Capitan Leah”
“Okay wow... the different Leahs giving me headaches” you heard Tooney mumble which made you chuckle and had the effect that the situation got a little bit lighter
“Talk to me pumpkin” the blonde said softly as she ushered your sister away to take her place sitting down.
“I'm not talking to the Capitan... because she fucked up” you grunted pushing yourself further into Mary like a three year old
“Then talk to your friend” Leah tried again
“We're in a professional environment...” you grumbled
“Okay...” Leah accepted that she wouldn't get anything out of you just now
She leaned back in now her seat and sighed deeply. After a minute she pushed herself out of the seat walking to the front of the bus. She sat down in the first row next to Sarina
“I need to talk to her in private before training” Leah came straight to the point not even looking at Sarina but keeping her eyes trained forward
“I think so too...” the dutch said lowly “... but first I want to know why you roomed them together”
“I wanted that they maybe talk and whatever caused the riff between them could maybe resolved... I want her on the team too... she's good and she needs something to occupie her... I don't want to ever see her like two years ago.. never again” the blonde said lowly so just Sarina heard what she said
“What happened two years ago?” Sarina asked confused and concerned at the same time
“You don't know?” Leah asked surprised
“No” the dutch shook her head
“She tried to overdose... she called Leila because she got scared and Leila rushed over and basically forced the pills back out... then Leila called Hempo and Hempo called Beth... you know how the chain works... we got her to London on the lie of her missing Millie because even her parents didn't catch on...” the blonde said seriously
“I had no idea” Sarina said shocked
“Neither do Lucy and Keira” Leah said insistently
“No one had the guts to call them?” the dutch smirked
“We would all be dead if they knew... Keira just moved to Spain.. what would you think would have happened if we call her that y/n just tried to commit suicide?” the blonde snorted humourless “But seriously Sarina... I need to talk to her”
“I'll can excuse you for 15 minutes... but Leah... you may be the Capitan but I can tell you know... what happened between them won't be resolvable...” Sarina warned Leah
“You know?” Leah asked surprised
“I was there... I saw what happened... and I'll be honest with you Leah... it was bad” the dutch said as the bus came to a halt in front of St. Georges park “But the only one who should talk about this is y/n herself....”
“OKAY EVERYONE... YOU KNOW THE DRILL!! YOU HAVE 20 MINUTES TO GET ON THE PITCH – LOOK AFTER THE NEWBIES!” Leah yelled as the bus came to a stop and she pushed herself out of her seat facing the team
The players shuffled of the bus one by one the sensible veterans (not Millie and Rachel) showed the new players around and took them under their wing knowing how nerve wrecking it can be. Just as you exit the bus Leah was by your side
“Not you... you and I will go to the office” the blonde said and before you could complain (or bolt) she already had your arm in a death grip pulling you along
“That's literally textbook kidnapping” you said outraged
“If I wanted to kidnap you I would whack you over the head so I would have some peace while kidnapping you” the blonde grumbled as she pushed you into an empty office
You stood in the middle of the room while Leah went over to the big table leaning against it arms crossed over her chest
“Look... I just tried to do what I thought was right – I want you on the team... I need you on the team – I need you FOR the team” Leah started talking but stayed away from you.
She knew you well enough to read your body language which told her you wouldn't accept physical touch from her right now. So she stayed leaned against the table but let her arms fall to her side to signal you that she doesn't mean any harm
“You don't realize it but you are the glue in this team... and I'm sorry that I didn't talk to you about the rooming situation but I wanted to just give you a little push... both of you... I know you were friends and suddenly you two can't even talk to each other... I just wanted to get you to talk” Leah said apologetic
“There's a reason why we don't get along anymore” you said reserved
“I know that NOW...” the blonde rolled her eyes “I mean I don't know WHY but I know there's a reason...”
“So you talked to Sarina” you mused defenesly
“I did... If you wonder she just said it was bad nothing else” Leah said quickly
“So why are you so desperate for us to get along?” you asked weary
“As I said... I want you on and for the team... you know Sarina would give her last... waffle thing for you to join the Lionesses” the blonde tried to make you understand her point
“I can't play anymore...” you plopped down in one of the chairs
“But you can help us win... you have an eye for situations and plays like no one else... but I also know YOU... you might be grown up as a footballer – but as a person you are still a 16 year old girl... and I REALLY want you on this team but I fear that you wouldn't be unbiased...” Leah said softly “I know you can be.. I know you will be... but I needed to do something”
“Very wrong approach” you scoffed
“I know.... and I'm sorry” the blonde sighed
“Okay...” you shrugged your shoulders
“Okay?” Leah asked confuse
“Look... I am the reason LJ is still on this team... I won't tell you what happened because I know you love me and you will try to make it up to me somehow... but I told Sarina to keep her on the team... I told Keira not to do anything... so I may not be her fan personally... but as a player I can act civil and give my unbiased opinion” you told the Capitan seriously looking her straight in the eye
“Keira knows?” the blonde asked surprised
“Not by choice... she overheard something she shouldn't have... but that's beside the point... you fucked up... you apologized... we're good” you grinned “... AFTER you get Viv to bring me back stroopwaffle”
“You really had to get the comment about Arsenal out there didn't you?? How long did you work on that one?” Leah smiled back
“Not long... Leila and Greensie helped... we had fun” you shrugged grinning
“So... we're good Pumpkin?” Leah asked again
“Yeah... we're good Lee” you smiled as you pushed yourself out of your chair walking over to her and let yourself fall into her arms
“I love you Pumpkin” the blonde mumbled into your hair
“Love you too Lee” you mumbled against her neck
The two of you stayed like this for a minute until it knocked on the door and Sarina stuck her head inside
“Need you on the pitch Leah...” was the only thing the dutch said smiling softly seeing you in her captains arms
“Okay... let's go Pumpkin” Leah pushed you two off the table but kept her arm around your shoulders “Let's get out there and be great”
You entered the pitch together with Leah under the watchful gaze of Lucy and Keira but as soon as they saw that you had a small smile on your face and Leah had her arm around you they went back to their warm up
“They made up” Lucy spoke lowly as she stretched next to Keira
“Good... I already have you, LJ and G to keep an eye out for... not to mention Bitsy... if I needed to added Leah to that list too I would have shot myself” Keira mumbled back
“What do you mean me??” your sister exclaimed
“You were a dick to G yesterday and this morning... keep it up Lucia and you and I will have a nice talk once back in Barcelona” the blonde murmured back before standing up being done stretching “I know you actually don't mean any harm to them but I think you don't know how much both of them need your approval”
“It's not like G asked me to give my blessing” Lucy grumbled
“But she will one day” Keira said sternly before walking away
“Hey Liefje...” Sarina smiled as you joined her on the side-line watching the doing some basic drills to get the newbies used to the style and pace of style
“Ehrm.. why are there just 24 players on the pitch?” you puckered your lips and bashed your eyelashes
“Huh?” Sarina started to count the players – with you already knowing who was missing – and then whistled.
The girls came over confused why their coach called them over
“Where is James?” the dutch asked sternly looking at the vets while you had to bite your tongue really fucking hard to keep a straight face
“She was next to me in the locker room” Lucy said confused as she turned around looking for LJ
“Leah?” Sarina looked at her Capitan expectantly
“No clue” the blonde replied “I thought everyone was already out since I had something to take care off...”
Finally LJ emerged from the tunnel looking stressed – and she was barefoot.
“James... you're late... five laps after training” Sarina said strict
“Coach please... It's not my fault” LJ tried to reason with the dutch “It's y/n fault” she send you an evil look
“Moi??” you pointed at yourself innocently “I didn't do anything”
“I'm pretty sure I didn't pack two left cleats this morning... nor did I pack socks with holes in them” LJ sneered towards you
“I mean... I know Less has two left feet James...” you got quickly interrupted by Lessis “Hey... wait.. naah.. sounds about right” before you looked LJ dead in the eye “... but I never thought you have two... your passing is 90 something...”
You knew you were pushing your luck here but after what happened yesterday in your room you didn't give a flying fuck anymore
“You changed my cleats...” LJ growled
“I didn't do anything... if you accuse me of doing something...you better prove it” you growled back using her own words against her
“Okay... enough” Lucy pushed herself between you two to defuse the situation “Bubs... did you change LJs cleats?”
“How and when should I have done this?? You didn't let me out of your sight... I wasn't even allowed to say good morning to me girlfriend” you exclaimed annoyed
“True... you were with me the whole time” your sister mumbled but unsurprisingly Keira threw you a smirk knowing you somehow pulled this prank off
“I KNOW IT WAS YOU!!” LJ now exploded behind Lucy not believing you one bit
“Prove it” you said calm and looked her straight in the eye
“Okay... you do it again... LJ I have a second pair in my locker come on... you can have them” Lucy said as she pulled LJ away so the two of you wouldn't start fighting
“That backfired Bitsy” Keira grinned as she stood next to you
“Keira... sweet lovely Kei...” you grinned evilly “... since when does my sister pack a second pair of cleats?”
“Huh?” Keira looked confused before recovering “Never...”
“Exactly... so take a guess who threw the second pair in her bag?” you smirked seeing your plan enfold perfectly
“Why Bitsy... why would you help LJ?” the blonde mumbled
“Is it help if she has to do a three hour training session in shoes that are not hers?” you mused
“What do you mean?” Keira look at you lost
“The cleats are fitted to Luce feet... so either they are too big or too small... so tomorrow LJ either can't walk or she doesn't feel comfortable in her own cleats anymore and that will affect her play one way or the other” you smirked evil before turning around leaving an stunned Keira behind joining Sarina a little bit down the line.
“Evil Genius” Keira smirked to herself before walking over to Leah and Georgia
“It was her wasn't it?” Georgia asked immediately when Keira joined them
“Of course it was...” the blonde chuckled
“She told me you knew... tell us” Leah said hoping to get something out of her best friend
“No... not my business.... I promised her I wouldn't take any actions and that includes not saying anything because if people like Millie or Mary – or god forbid Lucy - get word of what happened than a pair of mixed up cleats would be LJs smallest problem – Millie would go all brickwall on her and Lucy would go out for the kill” Keira said seriously and even G caught on not to push the matter
“Wow... it must have been bad” now Tooney interrupted
“It was... and that's the last time we'll talk about it” the blonde said sternly fixing Tooney with a glare “Did I make myself clear?”
“Totally” Ella held her hands up in surrender
“Oi... less chatty chatty more runny runny” you yelled over to the four players grinning with Sarinas hands on your shoulders as she stood behind you like a proud mother
“What did I do now??” Lessi asked confused
“You did nothing?” you asked back confused
“You just say “Less chatty”...” Lessi said bewildered
“Not Less.... Less” you tried to make your point clear “as in... not so much... not as in Less Russo”
“Eh?” now you lost Lessi completely
“No talking – yes running” you huffed out
“AH... yeah that makes sense” the blonde finally catched on and smiled brightly
“Good... now run” you shooed her away
“What would you do with them now?” Sarina asked you as you watched the team getting back to their passing drills.
She wanted to include you more since she planned to take you with the team to the world cup
“Are you asking as a head coach – because that would be bad if you had no clue how to prepare a team or as Mama Rina who just tries to get me to sign for the team again?” you smirked keeping your eyes fixed on the pitch
“Neither... just interested” the dutch smiled as she stepped next to you
“Group B doesn't click... you should change players” you said focused
“And group B is?” Sarina asked not knowing which group you dubbed as “B”
“Walsh, Greenwood, Stanway, James, Carter” you mumbled trying to find the problem “Their play is off... switch Walsh for Clinton”
“Keira!!” Sarina yelled towards the midfielder “Switch with Grace”
“Better but still off...” you mumbled again after a few minutes after Keira and Grace swapped their places “G!!!” you yelled and beckoned your girlfriend over which caused Lucys head to snap towards you
“Yeah?” Georgia panted a little bit after she jogged over to you
“Cut the crap” you growled and your girlfriend looked at you with big shocked eyes
“I...” G started to stammer not knowing what to say
“No... cut the crap” you said sternly and even Sarinas eyes widen “I know what you're doing... stop it”
“No idea what you're talking about” your girlfriend mumbles out looking at you sheepishly
“You don't work against her...” you said furious
“I didn't” G defended herself
“You did... your passes to her are sloppy and you know it... IF you play a pass to her that is... I know what you are doing but this matter doesn't concern you” you fixed your girlfriend with a glare
“You are my girlfriend... of course it concerns me... Kei said it was bad and I won't...” Georgia started before you interrupt her
“You won't anything... And right now I'm not your girlfriend... I'm just someone because if I'd be your girlfriend right now this would be highly unprofessional and we don't do unprofessional... and the whole situation... NOT. YOUR. BUSINESS” you now sneered “You will be the player I know you are... the player who plays for her team and country... and not for her team minus LJ”
Now Sarina caught on and was actually impressed how you grew as a person that you don't back down from even telling your own girlfriend off.
“Now cut the crap and get your shit together or I'll convince the head coach that it would be beneficial if you'd run some laps with LJ after training”
Georgia looked at you like she seen a ghost but nodded slowly
“Good...” you huffed “... now go and be the player I know”
Your girlfriend scrambled off quickly and you already could see the change in the whole play after you ripped her head off and screwed it back on in place the right way around
“That was...” Sarina started and you raised an eyebrow at her “... big... I didn't think you would rip your girlfriend a new one”
“If she deserves it I would rip Lucy a new one... I don't need anyone to fight me battles” you huffed still a bit angry
“They don't fight the battles FOR you... they fight battles WITH you” the dutch said softly “And Leah told me what happened two years ago... want to say something about that?”
“Nope...” you popped the “p”
“You know we'll talk about it...” Sarina said and this time it was her who had the sternness in her voice
“Ugh... Williamson really can't keep her gob shut” you groaned
“She thought I knew.. and now I'm thankful for her slip up” the dutch said “... What do you think about a 3v3?”
“5v5 … So G is basically forced to pull her finger out of her ass and start acting like a teammate again” you said back easily accepting the topic change
“If I would be a petty asshole... wait.. I AM a petty asshole...” you grinned at your adoptive mom “swap Greenwood with Bronze”
“Why would I do this?” Sarina raised her eyebrow again
“So my sister is forced to play alongside my girlfriend and not against her” you grinned “This gonna be fun”
Sarina actually swapped teams around a little so it wouldn't be to obvious and in the end team blue contained Bronze, Clinton, Stanway, Carter and James. They were up against team yellow who was Bright, Daly, Walsh, Greenwood and Mead.
“Georgia… drop back and come more in the backside” Sarina yelled with her Dutch accent
Your head snapped up (as did several heads from the team) finding the eyes of your girlfriend immediately as you both start to blush furiously while both of you stated a deer caught in the head light look.
“That’s… that’s not how you say it Mama Rina” you cleared your throat multiple times as you tried to avoid looking at your Sister.
“What did I say wrong?” the Dutch woman asked confused as several of your girlfriends teammates started to snicker and Millie even going so far as in clapping Georgia on the back
“Didn’t know you had it in ya, Stanway” the east midlander said grinning like a Cheshire cat
“oh no that wasn’t her…. That was me… I had it in me” you said offhandly realizing a split second later WHAT you just said as you already saw Lucys twitching eye as she turned towards your girlfriend looking her dead in the eye
“Run” was the only thing your sister said dangerously low.
Georgia already turned around sprinting away with your sister hot on her heels
Millie, Rachel Alex and Mary busted out laughing as Georgia ran past them her face red as a fire extinguisher.
“SORRY BABE!!!” you yelled after her as she sprinted past you your sister not far behind.
“See Bitsy… THIS is why I always tell you to think before you speak” Keira said standing next to you as she grabbed a water bottle.
“I don’t understand what the issue is” Sarina looking confused from one player to the next
“Backside is… your behind… you know Mama Rina” you tried to explain as much as possible with saying too much just for having the Dutch woman staring at you lost
“You basically told Stanway to come in someone ass” Rachel blurted out
“Oh… that’s… unfortunate” Sarina said after the words have sunken in.
“And little Bronze here basically confirmed that that’s what G already did” Millie laughed as she pulled you into side
“I didn’t mean too… it just… slipped out” you whined embarrassed
“I bet it did” Millie bursting out laughing as you punched her in the ribs which clearly didn’t phase her
Just as you wanted to respond what an incredible ass Millie is being your girlfriend sprinted past you again
“Stop her…” you heard her faintly begging voice as her breaths came out labored
“Keira please…” you turned to your basically other sister at this point
“Oh no… I’m not getting involved… that’s the Captains job.. or the head coaches job” Keira grinned widely
“Leaaaaaah…. Pleeeeeeeease” you begged at the England Captain now desperation clear in your voice
“Nope… you started it – your problem” the blonde smirked finding the whole situation highly entertaining
“Ugh” you moaned “you know… at least I get them to run… you weren’t as successful earlier”
You knew it was a cheap dig at Leah reminding her how she tried to get Lucy and Georgia to run only to find Lucy staring daggers at the younger one who preferred to hide behind Millie
“I swear I will pull a napoleon move on you and send you to exile” the blonde captain threatened you but her eyes were shining with mischief
“You can’t do that… Mama Rina wants me here to figure out what’s wrong with you lot” you said quickly turning around to the womens head coach “She can’t do that right?!”
“I mean… she IS the captain…” Sarina smirked
“HA!!” Leah yelled out victorious
“I promise I’ll be quiet” you begged again “but please don’t let her kill my girlfriend”
You looked around to find your girlfriend in the stands climbing quickly over the seats as Lucy followed not as graciously but still close
“At this point one or both of them will get hurt…” you heard Keira muse beside you which caused Sarina AND Leah springing into action
“LUCY!!!” Sarina yelled and whistled loudly and you saw your sister stop dead in her tracks turning around as the Dutch waved her back over
“I nearly had her” Lucy exclaimed annoyed as she stood in front of Sarina
“And I would have been one midfielder down…” the Dutch deadpanned back “… now back to training”
“We talk later” your sister shot you a dark glare which made you shrink into Millies side
“Don’t worry kiddo… she’ll get some energy out and she’ll be much more calm” Millie said reassuring feeling your hesitation
Your girlfriend opted to stay in the stands bending over her hands on her knees as she tries to catch her breath
“Lucy… Georgia… a word please” Sarina called out to both of them which made your sister turn on her heels to walk back to her head coach.
Georgia was a little slower to come down from her place but made it eventually standing next to Leah so she wasn’t in your Sisters reach
“I understand it’s a… rather complicated situation” the Dutch started “… but if you can’t remain professional on the pitch I will not hesitate to send you both home.. I let you have your moments understanding that you both love her… but keep it either to a minimum or best case – leave it completely.. we have a tournament to prepare for and I can’t have two of my best players at each others throats”
“Sorry Sarina” Georgia mumbled ashamed feeling like a small kid that got scolded for having a cookie before dinner
“Yeah… sorry Coach” Lucy chimed in
“And now kiss” you chuckled finding joy in the fact that for once it wasn’t you but Lucy who got told off.
This comment resulted in a murderous glare from your sister, an eye roll from Sarina, a REALLY shocked face (and a tiny scared squeak) from Georgia and a REALLY hard slap on the back if your head courtesy of Leah.
“Good… now go and rejoin the team” Sarina smiled before turning to you “… and you… you will go inside into my office – I’ll join you in a second”
You looked horrified thinking you’re in trouble with the teams head Coach – which people could trust you on… it’s not fun
“You are not in trouble” the Dutch clarified as she saw the horror on your face “I need your observant brilliancy…” she smiled at you encouraging stroking over your head like a mother would
“Which team am I looking at?” you asked after you sighed put relieved
“Spain… they were always very good but since last year they’re killing it… I want to know why and I want a way to throw them off” Sarina said seriously
“Just drug up your players and let them loose… that’ll throw them right off” you mumbled under your breath but Sarina understood you anyway laughing at your grumpy mood
“I heard you had quite the experience in Barcelona, kleintje” the Dutch chuckled before sending you off to her office.
You just settled into the big leather chair which was normally occupied by the blonde head coach herself as Sarina stepped through the door seeing you in her chair. She just glared at you raising an eyebrow waiting for you to move. You did so with a loud groan and a huff before you plopped down on the other side of the big table into one of the chairs
“Sitting in my chair” the blonde tzked under her breath but you saw the smile tugging around her lips “I have a proposition”
Your ears perked up and you looked at her interested
“I want you as part of the Team… we’re preparing for a world cup and I want the best people…” Sarina started looking for any reaction in your face but up to now you didn’t move a muscle
“You know better than anyone I can’t play… my knees are more fucked than Lucys” you said calmly leaning back in your seat
“I don’t want you as a player… I want you as an analyst / assistant coach… I know it’s very unusual with firstly your age and you having no experience in either of these positions but I know how good you are… you pick up on the smallest things and I fully believe you could change the Game.. I also want that World Cup Title” Sarina explained and you saw she was serious about it
“I talked to FIFA about it – no pressure but I wanted to know the legal side of it… as long you have a “guardian” they see no problem since other teams send girls your age as players” the Dutch said furthermore
“Who would that guardian be?” you asked equally as serious
“whomever you want… as long as they have an English citizenship and there isn’t a conflict of interest” the blonde answers your question already knowing this would be the first thing you’d pick up on
“So Lucy is out of question” you mused to yourself
“If you keep it professional she doesn’t have to be ruled out” Sarina said lovingly knowing how much your sister means to you
“No… people could pick up on it and throw a fit… “ you said rolling your eyes
“So you accept?” the Dutch looking at you interested
“I’m not saying yes… but I’m also not saying no” you answered honestly “I need to think about it”
“Of course, mijn kleine Liefje” Sarina smiled lovingly
“You know… at this rate just adopt me already ” you smirked sensing that the serious part of your meeting was over
“Your sister would have my Head if I announce our new analyst “Y/n Wiegman” …” the Dutch deadpanned
“I mean…. I WOULD be funny” you smirked your eyes shining with mischief
“I could also announce you as a Stanway” now it was the blondes moment to smirk as you frantically shook your head
“Oh I bet Georgia and your sister would be over the moon” Sarina teased you
“They might be but I'll be six feet under” you mumbled
“I won't let that happen” the dutch grinned and pinched your cheeks
“What is it with you today Mama” you groaned as you tried to get away from her
“I missed you Liefje... and I'm happy for you” Sarina smiled letting go of you before pulling you into a loving hug “And I'm so so proud of you how you handle the whole situation”
“Thanks Mama Rina” you mumbled a little embarrassed as you pressed your face against her
“Now.... I need you to find a weak spot in the spanish play” the dutch pushed you slightly away from her and kissed your forehead “be great”
You sat down in her chair and started re-watching the spanish games from the Euros. As you expected the spanish play was nearly perfect – but just nearly. You watched every game while your sister, girlfriend, best friends and your platonic soulmate ran sprints and laps and went to the gym for recovery. You didn't even notice how much time has passed as you got mesmerized by the spanish play. The quick accurate passes. The wordless communication between the players. The link between Alexia, Jenni, Aitana and Marionna. It was truly mesmerizing. BUT – you found a weak spot which made you smirk internally. You looked up when you heard the door open again and saw Sarina entering her office.
“Liefje...” the dutch smiled softly “... it's time to leave”
“Already?” you looked confused
“You've been in here for hours... training is over... you didn't even notice me looking after you three times” Sarina said smiling
“Oh... yeah no.. sorry” you scratched the back of your neck embarrassed
“The team is already on the way back to the hotel...” the dutch said as she walked over to you to shut her computer down
“Do I have to walk back??” you blurted out shocked which caused Sarina to burst out laughing
“No... I have a rental” the dutch laughed “But you still owe me laps for interrupting my meeting yesterday” she winked
“Lessi and Toons too” you shrieked
“They already did their laps... come on... one lap” Sarina winked
“I don't have shoes for running” you tried to get out of it
“Run barefoot” the dutch shrugged her shoulders like it was the most obvious answer
Unknown to you she had a plan. She hoped when you feel the grass of the pitch again that you might be more open to be more involved in training.
“You can't be serious?” you looked at her shocked your eyes wide
“One lap” the dutch nodded
“Ugh” you groaned but started to walk past her towards the field
You sat down at the sideline slowly taking your shoes and socks off. Sarina stood back knowing well enough not to disturb you since this was something you need to experience on your own. That was part of the reason she send the bus on the way without the two of you on board. She didn't need prying eyes nor did you. You probably wouldn't do this right now if you knew there were still people around – even if it were just your sister or your girlfriend. You sat there for another minute with bare feet and Sarina saw your eyes were closed and you wriggled your toes a little bit like you remembered the feeling of grass under your feet but at the same time try to memorize it. Then you pushed yourself up and took a few careful hesitant steps before falling into an easy jog. She saw you rounding the corner flag picking up speed down the goal line before slowing down at the next corner flag. Slow easy jog down the opposite sideline, around the next corner flag picking up speed again – not a full sprint but definitely faster before rounding the fourth flag and slowing down again. To Sarinas surprise you didn't stop. You kept on running but she saw a relaxed smile on your face. Not only relaxed but also relieved. Like you just needed the little push – the little push Sarina provided to get you on the pitch again. The dutch knew you never stopped working out so it was no surprise to her that you kept going for another four rounds making it five in total before stopping at your shoes. You bend over your hands on your knees you panted. You weren't completely breathless but you were breathless in the best way. You don't know why but suddenly you feel tears leaving your eyes and a soft touch on your lower back. You leaned against Sarina both of you just standing there you enjoying the support the dutch offered silently and Sarina just enjoyed the moment she get to spend with you. To see you like this meant more to her than any victory in any big tournament – for the last three years every time Sarina looked at you she saw that broken girl on the ground who was clutching her leg crying in pain but you weren't screaming. You were just laying there writhing in pain crying silently. Sarina was quick to pass the field dropping down to her knees next to your body. You looked so broken and so small. Back then she didn’t know what to do at first but the second your hand fisted itself into her shirt she knew she needed to protect you – and get you into a hospital asap. Sarina untangled your hand from her shirt but immediately held onto your hand with her own. She called her best physio who then came running with two medics. The dutch ordered herself to stay calm for your benefit and it was exactly what you needed. Even when the medics turned you onto your back and she saw the blood seeping through your pants.
It didn't matter how much you pretended to be fine Sarina always saw that little crying girl. But not right now. Now she saw one of the strongest people she ever had the pleasure working with. Right now standing next to you while you catch your breath showed her just how much you've grown. You were still a kid by heart she knew – but as a person you grew up so much. You started to fight your fears even if it started small with five laps around the pitch
“I'm proud of you Liefje” Sarina said lowly rubbing small circles on your lower back
“I'm fucking wheezing after five laps... nothing to be proud of” you panted back
“You started to fight your fear... that's something to be proud of... and now come on – I REALLY don't want to end up on your sisters bad side because I brought you back late” the dutch winked and smiled.
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drabbles-mc · 1 year ago
Out of Practice
Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
For the Alternate June-iverse prompt: milf/dilf
Warnings: 18+, language, alcohol, steamy things, reader is a mom, bucky hasn't dated in like 70 years
Word Count: 7.7k
A/N: I had no idea what I was going to do for this prompt for the longest time but then tonight this all fell outta me in one sitting lmao. enjoy some cameos from Sam and Tony! And thanks again to @buckybarnesevents and @rookthorne for putting this event together 💖
MCU Taglist: @garbinge @artemiseamoon (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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Bucky was standing at the bottom of the walkway that led to the main doors of the school. Despite the warmth that came from the late spring weather, he still had on his leather jacket and gloves. He was far from the only person standing out and waiting for the final bell to ring, but he still felt like he stood out. No matter how much time went by that was a feeling he had yet to shake.
He pried his eyes off the cracked concrete beneath his boots when the bell rang, shortly followed by the front doors of the school being pushed open by dozens upon dozens of kids desperate to get out and head home. Many of them were sprinting off towards the buses, but some were making a direct line right where Bucky was standing with the rest of the parents and other family members. He kept his eyes peeled, but he still didn’t see who he was looking for.
A couple minutes ticked by and for a moment he wondered if he had shown up at the wrong place, or on the wrong day. He was about to take his phone out of his pocket when the front door opened up again. He breathed out a sigh of relief when he saw Morgan walking out, jacket tied around her waist and backpack settled on her shoulders. She was looking up at the woman next to her, the two of them talking as the woman balanced a child who looked like she was just barely old enough to be in kindergarten on her hip.
When Morgan looked away, she immediately saw Bucky. A smile broke out across her face as she threw a hand up to wave, an expression and gesture that he returned. He took a few steps so that he met her right where the walkways met. She walked right up to him, holding both hands out in closed fists. Bucky’s grin widened slightly as he held his fists out as well, tapping their knuckles together before the both pulled their hands back, making an exploding sound and gesture as they did.
Once they completed their ritual, Bucky turned his attention to you. You were smiling at the sight of the two of them, but he could see the questioning look still lingering in your eyes. “You must be Uncle Bucky, then?” you asked, although the answer seemed fairly obvious.
He chuckled, looking briefly at Morgan before he returned his attention back to you. “Yeah, but just Bucky is fine.”
He held out his hand for you to shake, and you did so carefully so as not to disturb the sleeping child on your hip as you gave him your name in return. “Hope you don’t mind me bringing her out.” You shifted your weight from one foot to the other. “Just like to make sure that everything’s alright when someone new is picking up one of my students.”
“I tried to tell her you weren’t new,” Morgan interjected, her sarcasm making her sound so much like her father despite only being nine years old.
You shook your head with a knowing smile. “New to me, then,” you corrected.
“It’s fine,” Bucky said with a small shake of his head. “I get it.”
“I appreciate that.” You looked back and forth between the two of them, an odd but fitting pair. “I’ll let you two go. It was nice to meet you, Bucky.” You shifted your gaze to the young girl standing beside him. “And I will see you on Monday, Miss Morgan.”
Morgan was already saying goodbye and turning to head off towards Bucky’s care by the time the words left your mouth. Bucky, however, was still staring at you, looking at the way you were balancing the little girl on one hip while you had her backpack on the opposite shoulder, your own bag hanging in the crook of your arm. He knew that this was probably far from the first time you left the school building with your hands full but he still felt like it was wrong to not at least offer to help.
“Do you need help with—”
“I’ve got it,” you reassured him with a smile, taking a step towards the parking lot, “but thank you.”
He didn’t try to offer again, taking your word for what it was worth. Turning, he easily collapsed the distance between himself and Morgan in one stride, and the two of them started walking off towards his car. You heard the two of them talking as they walked away. Or, rather, you heard Morgan talking about her day and Bucky chiming in with a word of acknowledgment. You cast a couple brief looks at them as you walked over to your car, smiling at the sight of them.
You returned your focus to the task at hand as you tried to get your daughter into her booster seat in the back of your car. You weren’t too worried, since she had luckily been a heavy sleeper ever since she was born, but you still tried to be extra careful. You were clicking her seatbelt into place when you heard Bucky’s car engine rumbling to life.
You caught a glimpse through your own car’s windshield as they drove by, Morgan sitting behind the empty passenger seat of Bucky’s car. They were out of you line of sight as quickly as they’d entered it. When they were gone again you set both your bag and your daughter’s on the floor by her feet.
“Ew, no,” Morgan said as she shook her head, her and Bucky looking at each other through the rearview mirror, “he’s gross. All the boys in my grade are.”
Bucky laughed, nodding. “Your dad will be happy to hear that.”
“I don’t even want a boyfriend.”
Bucky fought to the urge to give his knee-jerk response which would’ve been, “Well, yeah, you’re fucking nine.” Instead, he asked, “You tell him that?”
“Yeah.” She shrugged. “He went and asked Chrissy instead.”
“Worked out for you,” Bucky said, throwing his directional on before turning onto the main road away from the school. “You don’t need a boyfriend—you’re fine.”
“Dad says that you need a girlfriend.”
Bucky nearly choking on the breath he was pulling in. His eyes drifted from the road and back to the mirror to look at her. “What?”
“What?” she parroted back to him, blissfully unaware of why he reacted that way. “That’s what he said.”
Bucky was shaking his head, gaze fixed back on the road once more. “Yeah? Well your dad’s a—”
“Have you ever had a girlfriend?” she asked.
Bucky chuckled, a genuine sound. “Ever? Yeah.”
“This century?”
His eyebrows raised, surprised but also not. “You gotta stop listening to your dad all the time.”
A wide grin blossomed across her face. “But have you?”
He shook his head. “I thought we were cool,” he said sarcastically.
Morgan laughed hard enough at that to usher them into another topic of conversation with the rest of the drive home. Bucky went the long way, swinging through McDonald’s on the way since he was told that was fine this time around. It killed a little more time anyway, which was really what he needed. The only reason that he has the one enlisted to go and pick Morgan up in the first place was because Tony and Pepper were both running late with work. Not terribly so, but late enough that they didn’t want to ask her teacher to stay and wait.
Even with the extra stop planned in, and the most scenic route as possible taken, it still didn’t take them very long to get home. Before either of them could think much of it Bucky was rolling into Tony and Pepper’s driveway.
Bucky had just put the car in park when Morgan jumped out of the car, backpack strap in one hand and happy meal in the other. Bucky shook his head at her, laughing as he got out of the car much slower than she had. He finally felt comfortable enough to take off his gloves, tucking them into the back pocket of his jeans as he walked towards Tony’s porch.
Morgan had left the door opened behind her, so Bucky walked through and closed it as he did. When he looked around the room he saw that Morgan had already made her way over to her father and gotten swept off the ground in a hug.
As Tony was setting her back down on the floor, he asked, “You got some extra fries for me, right?”
Morgan laughed. “No way.”
Tony faked deep offense at her response. “It’s like I don’t even know you anymore.”
Bucky piped in. “I didn’t get you any either, for the record.”
Tony smirked. “That much I expected.”
Morgan looked around the room a little more, and when she didn’t see Pepper, she asked, “Where’s Mom?”
Tony gestured deeper into the house. “She’s out back.”
Morgan tossed both her backpack and her McDonald’s box of food onto the counter. “I’m gonna go say hi!” She pointed at Tony. “Don’t eat my fries.” She turned and pointed at Bucky. “Don’t let him eat my fries.”
Bucky gave a small salute. “Yes ma’am.”
When Morgan had scampered out of the room, Tony’s full attention shifted to Bucky. “Thanks for picking her up—I know it was short-notice.”
Bucky shrugged. “It’s fine.”
“Went okay?”
He nodded. “Teacher came out to make sure I wasn’t some kidnapper, but yeah, it went okay.”
Tony chuckled as he opened the fridge. “Figured she would.” He grabbed a beer for himself and offered one to Bucky, when he declined he shrugged with a suit yourself expression and let the door fall shut.
“Why’s your nine-year-old telling me I need to get a girlfriend?” Bucky asked as he watched Tony pop the cap off the bottle.
Tony didn’t miss a beat. “My guess is because you need to get a girlfriend.”
“You met her teacher then, right?” Tony shrugged and took a sip of his beer. “She’s single. And cu—”
Bucky’s tone shifted drastically as he repeated himself. “Tony.”
The hand that wasn’t holding the beer bottle was held up in mock surrender. “I’m just saying.”
“That why you sent me to pick her up? Is Happy even busy?”
Tony laughed. “Like Happy would ever be too busy to get Morgan from school.”
Bucky rolled his eyes. “Oh my fuc—”
“Watch it.” Tony lifted the hand he was holding the bottle with, pointing accusingly at him. “There are little ears in the house.”
Bucky sucked in a deep breath. “I don’t need you playing matchmaker.” He leaned forward, bracing his forearms against the smooth dark stone-top of the island. “And I definitely don’t need you roping in your nine-year-old to help.”
“I actually didn’t tell her to say anything to you.”
“I don’t need you talking to her about my love life at all.”
“I was talking to Pepper about it. But hey,” he took another sip, “little ears hear everything.”
He watched as Bucky chuckled in disbelief. Tony knew that it wasn’t his place to say or do anything, that out of everyone he was probably close to the bottom of the list when it came to people who had the right to give dating advice. Even with that being the case, though, Tony had been watching Bucky muddle through and get along without ever really learning to get close to anyone since everything happened with Steve. He was gone now, and while Bucky might’ve accepted that, he still hadn’t really made any moves to let new people in. A girlfriend wouldn’t solve all of those issues, as Pepper had swiftly told him. But it probably also wouldn’t hurt, as Tony had told her in response.
“Gonna make me go to parent-teacher night next?” Bucky asked, his tone light enough to let Tony know that it wasn’t going to turn into an argument for the time being.
“Don’t be ridiculous—you’re not ready for anything more than an open house.”
He scoffed out a laugh. “Thanks.”
They both had plenty more comments to make about the topic but they let it drop as Morgan re-entered the room, Pepper in tow right behind her. Bucky and Tony exchanged a knowing look, one that confirmed that their conversation as on hold for now. Pepper caught it, but knew enough to know not to ask. Instead, she started a new conversation by thanking Bucky for picking Morgan up. He stayed long enough to make a little small talk before excusing himself, making sure to give Morgan another double fist-bump before heading for the door.
“I’ll walk you out,” Tony said, leaving his half-empty beer bottle on the counter.
Bucky knew exactly what Tony was doing, but didn’t say anything. The two of them slipped out the door, and Tony followed him down off the porch and all the way to his car.
When he realized that Bucky wasn’t going to say anything about any of it, he spoke up himself. “I could probably get her number for you.”
“Why not? You don’t think she’s—”
“That has nothing to do with it and you know it,” Bucky cut him off. “Just leave it alone, Tony.”
“Mmm.” He shook his head. “Don’t think I can do that. Matter of national security at this point—you’re left unattended an awful lot.”
“And you think I need an elementary teacher to keep me company?”
“She knows how to wrangle kids and keep ‘em in line—sounds perfect for you.”
“Don’t say anything to her.”
Tony stared at Bucky for a long, hard minute. “Fine.”
Bucky didn’t believe it for a second but be also knew that continuing to argue about it wasn’t going to fix anything either. “Thanks.”
They exchanged a quick handshake and a brief goodbye, and soon enough, Bucky was on his way. The drive back to his apartment felt longer than usual, his thoughts wandering in the silence of the car since he didn’t make any move to turn the radio on. He thought about you, not that he would ever give Tony the satisfaction of knowing that, the way you smiled as you balanced your daughter on your hip. He thought about the apparent ease there was between you and Morgan. He thought about your dress and the way it fell just above your knees, the way the bright colors looked so nice and seemed so fitting.
Then he shook his head to dispel the thoughts. Tony was just in his head now, having him overthink about a woman he’d met for all of two minutes. The likelihood of him seeing you again wasn’t very high, not unless Tony started asking him to play chauffer for Morgan a lot more often, and somehow he didn’t really see that happening.
When he walked into his apartment, Bucky was immediately greeted by Alpine running up and rubbing against his legs. He chuckled, crouching down so that he could give him a light scratch behind his ears. Part of it was because Alpine was happy to have his owner home, Bucky was sure. But the other part was about the fact that it was definitely past Alpine’s usual dinnertime. Bucky understood all of that.
“I know,” his metal fingers can down Alpine’s spine, causing him to arch and purr, “I’m late.”
The next few minutes was just Bucky hanging up his jacket, giving Alpine his dinner, and then pulling something out of the freezer to cook for his own dinner as well. While he was waiting for the oven to finish pre-heating, the only sound that could be heard was Alpine crunching on his kibble as he stood above his bowl. Bucky watched him for a moment, a small smile on his face at the simplicity of the life he had now. Something that for a long time he didn’t think he would ever have.
It was a good life. It was quieter now than it had been for a long time—he was almost used to it. But maybe Tony was right, not that Bucky would ever tell him as much in so many words, but there might’ve been something to what Tony had been trying to tell him. A truth that was simpler to ignore because continuing on as he had been required far less work than trying to get to know someone, trying to let someone get to know him.
He pulled his phone out, tempted to search your name just to see what would pop up, what he would be able to learn about you. Then he stopped himself, shaking his head to try and dispel the thoughts. What good would it do? Why was he thinking like you were someone he knew already? Or like you were someone that already knew him? For all he knew, you’d forgotten him already. Hell, for all he knew you had no desire to get to know anyone, let alone someone like him. The beeping of his oven saved him from going down that spiral any further.
Sam was sitting on the stool to Bucky’s left. The music in the bar was loud, but not so much so that they had to shout to talk to each other. But once Bucky processed the sentence that Sam had just spoken to him, he instantly wished that the music was loud enough so that he couldn’t hear the other man at all.
Bucky pulled a long drink from the beer bottle in his hand, gloved fingers wrapped tightly around the neck of it. “Can’t believe he got you in on this shit too.”
Sam shrugged, unfazed by Bucky’s blatant annoyance. “I’m just sayin’, I think the guy might have a point.”
“Since when do you agree with Stark?”
Sam laughed. “I’ll agree with anybody if I think they’re right!” He paused, studied the look on Bucky’s face and then added on with a laugh, “Well, yeah, not you. But other people.”
Bucky tried to keep his annoyed expression but then chuckled. “Fuck you.”
Sam wasn’t going to let the conversation get derailed. “Alright, so you don’t like the girl he was telling you about, so why don’t you—”
“I didn’t say—”
“They got apps for that now. Oh, sorry,” Sam held up his hand in a pausing motion, “Apps are things that you can put on your pho—”
Bucky’s brows knit together. “I know what apps are.”
Sam allowed himself a minute to laugh at his own joke before saying, “So it’s not the girl. Then, what? Afraid you left all your game back in the forties?”
He shook his head, eyes suddenly glued down to his beer bottle. “Sure, yeah. Something like that.”
“Want my advice?”
Sam gave it anyway. “Get over it.” He ignored the increasingly annoyed look on Bucky’s face. “Go buy a girl a drink. Ask her for her number. Use whatever corny line you used back in the nineteen hundreds the last time you had to pretend to have some game.”
Bucky didn’t want to laugh but he couldn’t stop himself. Sam might’ve been oversimplifying but Bucky was also vaguely aware of the fact that he was overcomplicating things for himself. “I’ll think about it. But,” he paused to point at Sam accusingly while he grabbed a sip of his beer, “I didn’t have to pretend to have game. I had it—have. I have it.”
Sam raised his eyebrows. “Riiiight.”
The topic dropped, and they moved onto talking about other things. There were frequent pauses in the conversation, both of them turning to look at people coming into the bar. Neither of them ever thought they would fully break that habit, no matter how often they went out into the world as civilians.
The door let out a quiet chime, and Bucky’s head instinctively snapped in the direction to see who was coming in. His eyes widened and he stopped himself in the middle of the sentence that he was saying to Sam. There was no brain to mouth filter as he let out a quiet, “Shit.”
Sam’s face contorted in confusion as he turned to see what it was that had Bucky reacting that way. He looked over, his confusion immediately shifting into a smug grin when he saw you standing in the doorway. Bucky hadn’t even given Sam a description of what you looked like, but he could tell from Bucky’s reaction that there was no way that you could possibly be anyone else.
“Talk about good timing,” Sam joked.
Bucky was still staring at you, not that you’d noticed, as he spoke to Sam. “Shut up.”
“Now’s the time.”
He fought the urge to shove him off the stool. “I said shut up.”
You were only a couple steps inside the bar, you phone clutched tightly in one hand as you looked around the semi-tight space. The focused furrow of your brow said that you were looking for someone. The tight black jeans and lacy grey top you were wearing said that you were probably looking for your date. There were five million reasons Bucky felt his mouth go dry and none of them were doing him any good.
He saw the rise and fall of your shoulders as you let out a sigh. You typed on your phone for a moment before making your way over to the bar, carefully weaving your way through the clusters of other patrons. The closer you got, the more Bucky hoped that the floor would open up and swallow him whole. You were so focused on getting to the bar and snagging a rare empty seat, that you didn’t even notice that the seat was next to him until after you’d ordered your drink. You wouldn’t have looked in his direction at all if you hadn’t heard someone laughing.
When you turned, the first thing you saw was Bucky, the familiar face and leather jacket. The next thing you noticed was the man on the other side of him, the source of said laughter. You tilted your head as your eyes made their way back to Bucky. You allowed yourself a laugh of your own. “Bucky?”
He nodded, clearing his throat. “H-hey. Yeah, hi.”
“So funny seeing you here!” You paused, looking back and forth between him and the man next to him. “How are you?”
He nodded again, pulling the words up one by one. “Good. I’m good. You?”
“I’m, um,” you chuckled awkwardly, “I’m alright, I think? Supposed to be meeting someone here but,” you glanced around, “I don’t see them yet.”
The man on the other side of Bucky leaned across him and held his hand out. “I’m Sam, by the way.” He flashed you a charming grin. “Not the person you were looking for, but figured I’d introduce myself anyway since this guy wasn’t going to.”
You laughed as you told him your name. “Nice to meet you, Sam.”
The three of you chit-chatted, and you tried not to think too much about the way that Bucky was looking at you. You were putting too much thought into it, you were certain. Maybe you were just projecting, taking all the growing disappointment you were feeling about your supposed “date” still not being there and channeling it into the way that Bucky seemed to be so attentively listening to you.
Taking another sip from the straw in your drink, you checked the time on your phone one more time. Letting out a deep sigh, you looked over at Bucky, and Sam too. “I’m glad I ran into you two tonight, because from the looks of it the person that I came out to see is not showing up.” You shoved your phone back into the pocket of your jeans with a shake of your head.
“He’s an idiot,” Sam chimed in without hesitation.
You laughed and nodded. “I appreciate the sentiment.” You finished off your drink and you didn’t try to dissuade the bartender who was grabbing your glass and heading off to make you another. Looking back at the two of them, you said, “My friends were the ones who convinced me to get on those stupid dating apps anyway.” You shook your head. “Lotta good it did, huh?”
Bucky nodded, shooting a pointed look at Sam as he said, “Yeah, I know the feeling.”
Sam was laughing, but Bucky noticed the way that he was moving to throw some cash down on the bar. He gathered up his jacket as he got off the stool. “Well, not to be the bearer of more bad news, but I gotta take off.” He clapped Bucky on the shoulders as he walked by. “But you two crazy kids stay out and have some fun. It was very nice to meet you.” He flashed the two of you another grin. “Call if you need bail money. Not me, but, you know, call somebody.”
You laughed as you and Bucky each said goodbye to him. The two of you watched him as he practically skipped out of the bar and out onto the street. Bucky was caught between wishing he could chase Sam down and tackle him, and wishing he could skip right out the door alongside him. There was no buffer between the two of you anymore, and Bucky felt so strangely exposed.
“Sorry about your date,” Bucky finally offered up.
You smiled good-naturedly. “I’m not that heartbroken over it,” you said honestly as the bartender set your fresh drink down in front of you. “My expectations were pretty low, but, you know,” you took a sip, “not so low that I assumed he wasn’t gonna be here.”
Bucky chuckled. “That’s fair.”
“Honestly, I’m just more pissed off that I wasted one of my few free weekend evenings on some guy who didn’t even bother texting me to cancel.”
You smiled as you said, “My daughter. Every other week she’s with her dad. I miss her when she’s gone, so I try to stay busy. Usually with friends, but every now and then it’s some pipe-dream of a date.” You took another sip. “They usually do show up, though, at the risk of making myself sound horrible desperate,” you joked.
Bucky laughed. “I don’t think you have to worry about that.”
Your smile softened a touch, but it was still there. “Well, thank you for that at least.”
You had every intention of finishing off your drink, paying your tab, and heading right home. You weren’t typically one for staying out all hours in a bar or a club somewhere, even when you were out with your friends. And, as nice as it was that you had a chance run-in with Bucky when everything else seemed to be going wrong, you were still ready to turn it in and go home. Back to your pajamas and fuzzy blankets.
That’s not what happened, however, despite your best intentions. Somewhere along the way you switched from cocktails to soda just for the sake of being able to stay longer without getting too much of a buzz as you talked to Bucky. He wasn’t exactly a chatterbox, per se, and you hadn’t really expected him to be. The two of you managed to keep up a good pace of back and forth regardless of that. He did a little more listening than he did talking but it didn’t seem to bother him. It also made you realize that even though you had your friends, and your fellow teachers at school, there weren’t a whole lot of times when you went out to socialize with other adults. It also didn’t hurt that Bucky was so nice to look at, that he seemed to be just as interested in looking right back at you.
You’d both lost track of time as you sat there, and when you were both finally making your way towards the door of the bar, it was much later than either of you had bargained for. The two of you walked, and Bucky pulled the door open for you. The two of you were mid-conversation when you landed back out on the sidewalk. It was only then that you realized you probably weren’t going to be heading in the same direction.
Bucky watched as you motioned back over your shoulder, the opposite direction from the way he was heading. “I’m parked this way, but, it was really good seeing you. What are the chances, right?” You laughed lightly.
He smiled, nodded. “Yeah. It was, um,” he could feel the words that he wanted to say resting on the tip of his tongue and he was conflicted about whether or not he wanted to actually say them, “it was good to see you again.” He paused, hating every bit of hesitation that he was feeling. “Do you, um, I was wondering,” he was reaching for the pocket of his jacket for his phone as he fumbled his way through the question, “I mean on your next free weekend…”
You felt your face warm as he continued on. You knew where the line of questioning was going, and part of you knew that maybe you should put him out of his misery. But it was sweet, and you were enjoying that. Finally, you nodded. “That’d be nice.”
He let out a sigh of relief as he took his phone out. “Great. Okay, yeah. I’ll…I’ll call you. You know,” he managed a smile with a little more ease, “save you from all the apps.”
You laughed as you typed your name and number in. “You’re a lifesaver.”
In the back of his mind he knew that he should be making some sort of move now. Walk you to your car, give you a hug, something. But if asking for your number was as difficult as it had proven itself to be, he didn’t know what it was going to be like trying to manage anything else. So he took the win, and bid you goodnight.
Over the course of the next couple days, he was caught between wanting to tell both Tony and Sam separately that he’d gotten your number. He thought maybe it would help get them off his back. What he didn’t want, though, was for them to just get on his case about a whole new slew of things. He also didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of knowing that they’d been right.
So, instead of reaching out to either of them, he texted you instead. It was casual at first, just brief messages here and there. Texting wasn’t his favorite way to stay in touch with people, but he at least recognized that it was what people did now.
He called you once, when he wanted to actually try and make plans to see you. That conversation wasn’t one that he wanted to have over text, and he told you as much. You also found that to be sweet as well. It wasn’t a long conversation, one taking place while you made dinner and your daughter was busy with her toys in the living room. But the two of you settled on a date, a time, and that he would come by your place to pick you up. You couldn’t remember the last time you smiled so much while making pasta.
“Tony is never gonna let you hear the end of this when he finds out,” Sam said as he sat down at Bucky’s kitchen counter.
“Yeah, I know,” Bucky grabbed drinks out of his fridge. “That’s why I haven’t said anything to him about it.”
“No!” Bucky said, breaking down into laughter after a moment. “You gonna tell him?”
“What, you think that we’re texting about you all the time?” Sam shook his head. “Get over yourself.”
Bucky was about to come back with something snarky as per usual when his phone chimed on the counter. Sam looked, too nosey to stop himself. The grin that spread across his face when he saw your name on the screen. At the look on Sam’s face, Bucky’s instinct was to reach and flip the phone over, but he stopped himself. Instead, he grabbed his phone and messaged you back before setting it down.
“You wanna call me while you’re getting ready?” Sam joked. “I’ll help you pick out an outfit. Tell you how to do your hair.”
Bucky chuckled. “Fuck you.”
He didn’t call Sam before the date. He also hadn’t heard anything from Tony which led him to believe that Sam had been kind enough to keep his mouth shut. That was all well and good, but he wished that it did anything to soothe the nerves that he was feeling as he stood outside your door.
He felt like an awkward sixteen-year-old again as he stood on your front step. He rang the doorbell, flowers clutched tightly in his hand as he waited. He’d spoken to you earlier, and you had seemed excited about it all still. That gave him hope. But again, it still wasn’t enough to eradicate the lingering feelings of anxiety he had.
Another few seconds passed by and then you pulled open the door. You were smiling at him as you were trying to do the latch on your necklace. “Hey! Sorry, I still have to get my shoes on and stuff. Please,” you stepped back and nodded for him to step inside, “come in. I’ll be ready in like, two minutes.”
He smiled as he somewhat nervously followed your instructions, stepping just past the threshold of your house. “Take your time,” he said calmly as he shut the door behind him.
He looked around while you finished putting on your jewelry and went to grab your shoes. He wasn’t sure what he had been picturing your house looking like, but what he saw felt fitting. It was tidy considering how young your daughter was. There were some toys scattered about in patches, framed photos on the walls and drawings tacked onto the fridge by magnets. It was a home in a way that none of Bucky’s places since he came back had ever been.
“Okay,” you said as you reappeared, smoothing out your blouse, “I’m ready. Sor—” you stopped short when you finally noticed the bouquet of flowers in his hand. The smile on your face was wide enough to make your cheeks hurt. “Those are beautiful.”
Bucky’s eyes widened for a moment, like he’d forgotten that he had them. He held them out to you. “Just figured, you know…”
You smiled as you took them, flitting off to the kitchen so that you could put them in a vase with water. “Thank you.”
As the two of you drove, you could feel him slowly starting to relax. The two of you talked, and you could see the way that his grip on the steering wheel started to become less vice-like. There was something refreshing in the way that he opened the car door for you, and the door to the diner that the two of you had agreed on. He sat down across from you in the booth and you noticed the way that he still had his gloves on as he looked through the menu. You wanted to ask but you didn’t—if he wanted to say something about it you had a feeling that he would.
The conversation felt easy, the same way it had been that night at the bar. The only difference now was the feeling in the air. There was a different kind of tension now that hadn’t been there before. Sure, you’d been attracted to him even then, but that hadn’t been a date. Not like this.
Every now and then if one of you shifted in your seat and your feet or legs would brush. Neither of you said anything about it, but you could feel the upward curl of your own lips as it happened, the occasional pink flush of Bucky’s cheeks. Sometimes it’d make him stumble in his sentence and you’d do him the courtesy of not commenting on it.
The two of you were splitting a piece of pie for dessert, something you insisted on because you knew the woman who baked them for the diner. It wasn’t as though Bucky put up any great fight about it. The closer the two of you got to finishing it, the more you engaged in low-stakes warfare, dueling with your forks over the pieces with the best crust-to-filling ratio.
“You can have the last bite,” you conceded with a laugh, leaning back in the booth.
“Oh, come on,” he joked, “it doesn’t feel good to win by forfeit.”
You laughed, warmth blossoming up your neck and across your face. “It’s not forfeit. Think of it as, I don’t know,” you drummed your fingers against the tabletop, “me being nice since it was your first time here.” You paused, studying the amused look on his face. “That better?”
He shrugged, a smirk on his face. “Little bit.”
The two of you walked back out to his car, and you found yourself walking much closer to his side than you had been on the way in. Your arm brushed against his as the two of you walked, and you found yourself about half a step away from leaning into his side.
He reached to open the car door for you, but before he could you leaned back against it so that you were facing him. You let one arm hang by your side, with the other you brought your palm so that it rested against his chest, pads of your fingertips pressing lightly against the leather.
Bucky almost pulled away out of reflex, but he didn’t. “Yes?”
You shook your head, still smiling. “Nothing, nothing.” You let your hand drop, the pads of your fingers dragging for a moment before your arm was back at your side once more. You moved just enough so that he could open the door again for you. “Thank you.”
Bucky walked you up to the door of your house, and he felt like his heart was beating clean up into the back of his throat. He didn’t remember dating being this nerve-wracking before. You seemed perfectly unfazed, though as you sauntered up and slipped your key into the lock.
“You wanna come in?” you offered as you opened the door. “Have a drink?”
It took more effort to swallow than it should have. “Oh. Yeah, sure.”
You chuckled. “If you don’t want to—”
“I do,” he reassured, his voice earnest.
Your smiled grew. “Okay.” You stepped and waved him in with you. “C’mon.” You noticed the way that he still had his jacket and gloves on when you came back out of the kitchen with a bottle in each hand. You handed one over to him. “Nothing fancy, but it’s also usually just me drinking them, so…”
He chuckled and shook his head. “It’s fine.”
There were a few beats of silence, each of you sipping out of your bottles before you said, “You don’t do this a lot, do you?”
His eyes widened for a moment, slight panic. “What?”
Your smile was warm as you gestured with your hand that held the bottle. “This. Dates. Not…not your thing, is it?”
He held the bottle between both his hands. “I’m…out of practice, yeah.” He cleared his throat. “That noticeable?”
You shook your head. “Not really. You just seemed, I don’t know, a little nervous. And I don’t know why a guy who looks like you would have any reason to be nervous on a date other than…”
“Other than I don’t go on them,” he finished with a soft laugh.
Your face heated up as you smiled. “Kinda.”
“How’d I do?” he asked, mostly joking.
You stepped in closer to him, noticing a different kind of tension in his body. “You’re doing great.”
He huffed out a laugh but it was much softer than he intended, betraying more of his real feelings than he bargained for. “This part?” He made a small gesture between you. “This part I’m really,” he forced out a puff of air through his teeth, “yeah.”
There was a flutter of butterflies in your stomach, something you hadn’t felt in a long time. “Want some help?”
He laughed but he didn’t say no, didn’t move away. He swallowed hard as you took the bottle from his hand and set them both on the coffee table in your living room. He was fighting hard to say something—ideally something smooth but at this point he would’ve settled for just about anything. Within seconds you were standing close to him again, bodies a breath away from being pressed flush against each other. Your hands rested on his chest for a moment, and you waited to see if he would change his mind and pull away—you were giving him the chance. But then you felt his hands tentatively land on your hips and you smiled, your body easing against his. You brought one hand up to the side of his face, thumb caressing his cheekbone.
“Not so bad,” you asked softly, “right?”
He shook his head, finally forcing out a quiet, “No, it’s not.”
You smiled and leaned in, lightly pressing your lips to his. It was delicate, fleeting—you were pulling away as quickly as you’d leaned in. The sliver of space left between your lips and his was the silent ask for him to let you know if this was the end of the night or not. He could pull away from you, no harm no foul, or he could lean in and kiss you again and figure it out from there.
It felt like you were both holding your breath for a moment, faces just too close to be able to get a good look in each other’s eyes. You were about to pull back to really look at him when he leaned in and kissed you, more conviction than the quick gesture from before. You readily gave into him, hand sliding from his cheek to the back of his head to keep him pulled to you. As his lips moved against yours, one of his hands slid so that it was resting at the center of the small of your back.
The two of you stayed like that in the middle of your living room, all locking lips and wandering hands. You would’ve let the entire night fall away spent just like that and been more than fine with it. When the two of you finally came back up for air, when Bucky pulled away from you enough to really look into your eyes, you saw that more than anything he was surprised. Maybe it was at you, maybe it was at himself, but regardless it was there. Underneath that, though, you could see that there was something more. His hand that wasn’t on the small of your back came up to cup your chin, the leather of his gloves smooth to the touch against your skin. He tilted your chin just slightly and then your lips were back on his again.
Out of instinct you tugged down the zipper of his jacket. Your hands came up to his shoulders, getting ready to push his jacket down off of them. It was only then that he pulled away from you again, breathless as he desperately searched your face.
“What?” you asked gently, pausing your movements.
“Nothing, nothing. I,” he pressed his lips into a thin line for a moment. “I wasn’t expecting…I just…”
“If it’s too much,” you said, taking a small step back, “we can—”
“No,” he stopped you short, shaking his head. “It’s not that. I just…” He took a breath. “Do you know? Who I am?”
You chuckled. “You’re friends with Iron Man and Falcon. I,” you shrugged, “I connected some dots along the way.”
He laughed, a sound of relief. “A lot of people don’t…you know…”
“A lot of people don’t have people from The Avengers dropping off school snacks once a week.” You paused and let both of you laugh. Allowing your tone to get a little more serious, you said, “I know, Bucky,” you moved once more to push his jacket down off his shoulders, “and it’s okay.”
He allowed you to do it, allowed his jacket to drop to the floor. Even with the long-sleeve shirt that he had on underneath, you could see the difference between his arms. You brought your hands to his, helping him pull the gloves off next. He was holding his breath—you could tell. When his gloves were off you ran your fingers along each of his palms, skin and metal, with equal delicate care.
When you looked into his eyes again you saw the way he was looking at you—bewildered, eager. You brought one hand back to his face again, urging him back towards you. It was a cue that he gladly took, kissing you with fervor. His hands were on your sides, and when he felt the way your other hand was running up his arm, he couldn’t stop himself, from letting his hands slip beneath the fabric of your shirt.
It’d been so long, he realized as his hands roamed your sides and back, since he’d last felt someone like this. When your fingers slid underneath the collar of his shirt, splaying across what they could reach where the nape of his neck turned stretched into his shoulders, he also realized that it’d been a long time since he’d let someone feel him like this too.
All the nerves, the tension of the night, it all started to melt away as he felt you reaching for the bottom hem of his shirt to pull off over his head. He didn’t want to stop you, and he knew that that meant something. Maybe they’d all been right—maybe there was something to letting someone else in again. As he felt the warmth of your palms against his skin, he could only hope that the rest of it felt this good too.
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meltinghun · 1 year ago
Complicated ; Jean-Pierre Magnan.
summary; since the start of the school year, Jean-Pierre and reader have competed with each other for the first place on everything, that is until reader starts to neglect herself.
warnings: fem!reader, ANGST!!!, fluff, swearing, academic enemies-to-lovers, feelings of failure, reader has a shitty family AND doesn't take care of her health (dead dove do not eat? idk?), canon typical misogyny, they're so mean but they like each other (i promise!!).
w/c: 2.8k
author note: i want to thank everyone who encouraged me to keep writting, your comments made me blush and giggle so hard, omg!!!! <3
I got stuck in this o.s for more than a month because I really liked the idea but I wasn't convinced on how it was turning out, but anyways, I had to upload something after being inactive for so long lmao.
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The latin teacher handed each student their graded exams, occasionally throwing back handed comments when he saw necessary, visibly enjoying the defeated faces of the students that didn't receive a satisfactory grade.
With an audible sigh, he extended the paper towards Y/N, shaking his head to emphatise his dissaprovement.
"You were the only reason as to why I was starting to believe that it was a good idea to integrate girls to the school." He raised his eyebrows. "But I'm starting to regret it."
The loud comment reverberated on the walls and hurt her ears, making her shrink in her seat with embarrassment when the big red 7/20 was placed in front of her. When the professor continued walking around, she heard a subtle chuckle coming from the left, turning her head in that direction. Founding a pair of big green eyes already staring at her in amusement.
"And I'm starting to believe that, after all, you are not a threat at all." A small smirk painted his face before continuing. "Maybe you fooled all of us into believing that you were actually smart, but I guess you aren't at all."
Her throat closed at the same time that she felt the need to throw up, she didn't knew what was wrong with her, she stayed up late studying for the tests, wrote her own resumes and even recited them out loud to try and memorize it, but no matter what she tried, the formulas didn't seem to stick to her brain, the numbers and symbols seemed like the exact same thing and confused them with each other and even the words of her history homework seemed to be written on a foreign language. She felt like a failure ever since her parents started to demand even better grades than she already had, spending her days and nights studying and having little to almost no sleep at all, investing all her time into trying to regain her star student position.
She was exhausted, sometimes even getting to the point of hallucinating things from the lack of rest, but convincing herself that she didn't deserve it until her parents were more than proud of her. And that seemed so far away.
Blinking away the tears, she tried to keep up with her facade, "Maybe you should start to mind your own business, Magnan." She managed to spat through gritted teeth.
"And that's where you're wrong, again." She groaned in annoyance. "See, when something makes you feel miserable, it is completly of my business because it makes me feel amazing."
She took a sharp inhale, and before she could say something, the sound of the bell indicating the start of reccess pierced the air. Rapidly, she gathered her belongings and almost sprinted out of the classroom, earning a severe reprimend from the teacher that she didn't care enough to hear.
"Miss L/N!" He made an offended sound. "Women, they are so sensitive... That's why they don't belong here."
She made a straight path towards the teachers restrooms, and only after locking the door did she allowed herself to let out a choked sob. The tears falling down and making a mess everywere, a hand coming up her face to try to muffle her desperate cries.
She really didn't know what was wrong with her.
Maybe she was the problem.
Everything came down like a ton of bricks falling on her, from the pressure of trying to be a role model for her family, to the hurtful words of Jean-Pierre that striked a nerve. Usually it wouldn't bother her that much and instead she would have a comeback ready to throw at him, but lately that wasn't the case, the highlights of her day used to be the moments were they started bickering at each other, sharing defying looks and victorius smirks in the way. She awaited those moments so eagerly.
But now she was lacking the strength to think on a smart jab to get right back at him, and even when she did manage to come up with something, it didn't bring her any satisfaction at all like it used to. Instead, she just felt drained.
Once again, the bell rang indicating to everyone that the classes resumed once again, but rather of getting out of her little hiding spot, she just stayed there, not feeling ready to face yet another deception.
Nor face again those mesmerizing green eyes.
A sharp headache made her wince slighty, she's been having them since a few days ago, sometimes were more powerful than others and today it seemed like one of the days were she felt like digging out her brain out of her head. She splashed some water on her face and looked at the mirror, looking away almost immediately when she took note of how sick she looked.
Opening the door, she carefully made her way to the infirmary, thinking to herself that some minutes with the school's nurse could excuse her absence in the class. A sudden feeling of dizziness caused by the sudden movement almost made her trip over, but before it happened, a strong hand took hold of her arm, keeping her from falling.
"What is wrong with you? Where the hell were you?" Jean-Pierre gave her a severe look that harbored his concern.
"I already told you to mind your own business." With all the strength she could muster, she pushed herself free out of his hold, the anger bubbling on her veins. "I don't owe you nothing, so get out of my sight and leave me the fuck alone. You would do me a great fucking favor."
Her harsh words left him completly dumbfounded, never before had she talked to him like that, even on the days when he annoyed her out of her mind. He saw how she moved towards the stairs, holding tightly onto the rails; moving closer to her hunched form, he felt the sudden and desperate need to ask her what was the problem, if he could help her in any way.
"I'm here against my will, Miss Couret sent me to look out for you." Was the only thing that came out of his mouth. "She was worried because she didn't saw you at recess, even more when you weren't at the classroom."
The lie slipped off naturally from him. Miss Couret didn't sent him to look out for her, he scaped class by coming up with some excuse about needing to ask something important about his latin competence, the truth was that he was the one who worried about her absence. But she didn't need to know that tiny detail.
Jean-Pierre would never admit it out loud, but he saw the drastic change on his rival's attitude, and it got him concerned. He would secretly listen to conversations of her friends that involved Y/N herself as a main topic, that's how he got to know how strict her parents were with her and it made his stomach churn with worry.
The weird thing was, he really didn't know why he cared so much, neither why he couldn't stop thinking about her. She was the first thing on his mind when he waked up, thinking about new ways to annoy her and have her total attention on him, he thought about her on the afternoon while doing homework, wondering if she managed to do the excersices better that him, and she was also his last thought before dozing up to sleep, anxiously waiting for the morning to come to do that rutine all over again.
He really didn't knew why.
A grip on his sleeve made him stop on his tracks and turn his torso towards her, his free hand instinctively coming up to rest it on her forearm.
"I think I will pass up." She mumbled with a lost look on her eyes. "If you let me fall, I will kill you, Magnan."
And not even a second later, everything turned black to her.
- - - - - - - - - -
The fist thing she noticed was the slight smell of pine blending up with the strong one coming out of the medicines, a small sigh leaving her lips before opening her eyes, stumbling almost immediately with the image of Jean-Pierre sitting beside the bed she was lying, and from what she could see, he was engrossed with a latin book.
Her heart raced and a hundred thoughts per second invaded her head. He could've left her with the nurse to come back to class, why was her still there? Was he waiting for her to wake up? But also, what if he was only there to be the first one to laugh at her? The questions overwhelmed her inmensely, so she decided to ask first the important ones.
"How long have I've been unconsious?" The sudden sound of her voice making him shot his head up, she could swore he almost looked relieved.
"I, uhm... Here, I bet you are thirsty." He cleared his voice before handing her a cup of water. "It wasn't for that long, just a couple hours. The school's over in less than forty minutes, so we can go home anytime."
She emitted a groan. "No wonder why I feel like I slept for years, I missed the whole day!" Leaving the cup on the bedside table, she glanced quickly around the nursery. "Where's Mrs. Bellanger?"
"Some kid was playing too hard and broke his arm in the process, she told me to keep an eye on you while she took him to the hospital." He paused, momentarily doubting if he should keep going. "She also told me that you passed out due to a huge lack of sleep and a possible unbalanced diet. Tell me, did you thought that it was smart? To harm yourself in order to have the acceptance of some idiots who can't see your real value? It's not worth it if you end up like this."
As if it were an habit, her eyes got teary, losing the count on how many times she cried on the day. It bothered her so much, even more that it was happening in his presence. For a moment, he almost sounded so consternated... But either way, she wouldn't tolerate being scolded like a kid.
"Excuse you?" She exclaimed, an evident frown on her face.
"Don't try to play dumb. You know what I mean."
"Oh, so you want to know why? I'm the first granddaughter, the first niece, the first child, the older sister... It's obvious that I have to make some sacrifices, even if it's at my own expense. After all, everyone expects so much more from me." The words came out slower than before and full of venom. "Yes, it may not be really healthy, but I push myself because it's the only way to make them proud of me, and it's something that I believed you would understand, Magnan."
"And you are not wrong, I do understand you." He took a few seconds before saying his next words. "That's why I don't want you to pressure yourself to be someone that you aren't, I know what it's like to be pressured by your parents -..."
"No, you don't. You don't know how my parents are!" She interrupted him. "You don't know how it is to be belittled when you don't achieve something worthy of their interest, you don't know how its like to feel proud of yourself because you thought that you finally did something right just to find out that you failed again, or to spend every second of the day studying, priving yourself of having a social life just to feel miserable at the end of the day. And you definitely don't know how it's like to live your whole life without knowing if your family even likes you."
She didn't know when she started to cry, much less in what moment Jean-Pierre got close enough to wrap her in a tight embrace. But suddenly, she felt like the constant emptiness in her chest was being filled with something much greater than a temporary stability brought by false acceptance, it was an unknown warm and fuzzy feeling that made her anguish vanish away. It felt like that was all she needed throughout her life.
They pulled apart slowly, his hands immediately went to her face to wipe away any traces left of tears on her cheeks, and they stood there, looking at each others eyes, feeling as if they were frozen in time. 
"I may not understand entirely, but I can learn how to." He murmured. "I really want to understand you."
"But why would you bother?" She asked, confused and desperate to know. "Since the moment we met, the only thing we do is argue, we hate each other!... I tried to hurt you so many times and you have done the same to me, so please, make me understand, why would you want to help me? Why do you care?"
"Because I care about you, deeply." The words came out breathless, his eyes trying to desperately find her gaze. "I really don't know how to describe what I feel, but I do know that every time I see you, my heart goes crazy, and sometimes I wonder if it will come the day where it's going to jump out of my chest to go chasing after you. I know that every time you laugh with another person, I wish with all my soul to, someday, be worthy enough to be the cause of your smile. But I do know that if I hated you, really did, I would be happy for your downfall, but I'm not, because I can't force me to act as if I don't care about you, not anymore."
Jean-Pierre wasn't a man or words. All his life he struggled to express his feelings, but this time, it was different.
"One of the things I admire you for is the way that you don't never give up, it doesn't matter how many times I get a slighty better mark, you study harder until beating me up the next time we have an exam. You are resilient, and so damn smart that it makes me feel jealous sometimes, because I wish I could have a little bit of the determination that you possess, and I can't comprehend why you focus on your non existing flaws and ignore all your strenghts."
"I never thought..." She began with a whisper, attempting to make a joke in order to not break down completely. "I never thought that someone could ever think that highly of me, not even you."
"How could I not? You are the most incredible person I ever met, Y/N."
A violent sob reverberated on the nursery walls, and before she could even feel shame for shattering that easily due to the sweetest words she ever heard, she found herself on Jean-Pierre's hold once again.
It felt like they spend a lifetime in that embrace, hearing nothing more than the rapid beats of their hearts and sharing everything they didn't had the courage to say out loud, not yet. Squeezing the hug one last time before breaking away, she dried her face with the sleeves of her blouse, his adoring eyes never leaving her.
"Now, what? What's next from this point?" Fearfully, she asked.
"Now... I will walk you home." Seeing her confused frown, he added rapidly. "If you want to be the number one, you have to be better than me, and the first step to achieve that is to sleep well and eat some real food. You have to take care of yourself, then we will work on the rest."
"We? You will help me beating you up?"
"I want to help you to become a better version of yourself. If that costs me becoming the second of the class, then so be it."
He extended his arm in her direction, encouraging her to hold it. Slowly, she got up from the bed and hooked their arms together.
"I must admit that my home is far away and I came walking today, so you can still back down if you want."  
"Only a fool could reject such offering."
She exhaled a shaky breath, never expecting that answer. As they made their way towards the door, a sudden question hitted her.
"How did you know about my problem with my family?"
"I accidentally overheard a conversation, I didn't realise it was about you until they named you." An overwhelming warmth creeping up his face.
"Of course, 'accidentally'."
"Shut up." His reddening cheeks and the obvious attempt of a lie didn't went unnoticed, earning a light giggle from the girl.
That fluttery sensation came back to her. She never thought that it would be possible to feel this smitten over someone, even if she still struggled to admit it. While the boy couldn't stop thinking of how fortunate he felt in those moments, with the person he couldn't stop dreaming about holding onto him and walking her home for the first time, and hopefully not last. The warm breeze of the spring surrounding them as they made their way out of the school between laughs and jokes, secretly wishing to have more moments like this one in the future.
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loves0phelia · 21 days ago
Red And Blue
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Summery: His canon event.
Words: 1.9k
Warnings: kinda gore at one point nothing too crazy, grammar mistakes.
A/N: I'm so sorry for the amount of mistakes this probably has but i cant be bothered to care more i just want to get this fic out. Listen to my tears ricochet as you read
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Rafe had always been good at hiding things. He kept his head down, stayed out of the spotlight, and made sure no one looked too closely. But ever since the bite, since the powers, since the responsibility that came with it, lying had become second nature.
Especially to you.
It killed him, really. Every time he bailed on a movie night, ignored your texts, or showed up bruised and breathless with a half-baked excuse, he saw the confused and hurt look in your eyes. But what was he supposed to do? Tell the truth? That he was ditching every time to swing across rooftops, and fight criminals? No. That wasn’t an option.
Tonight was no different.
“Are you serious, Rafe?” You leaned your head down, phone pressed against your ear, voice sharp with frustration. “You're leaving me again. You promised this time. I know you don't like school events but just once please”
“I'm sorry” he muttered, running a hand through his already-messy hair. “Something came up.”
“Something always comes up. What is it this time? And don’t tell me it's homework or family stuff, because I know when you’re lying.” 
“I just…” He exhaled, as if a weight was pressing on his chest. “I can’t tell you, okay?” He swallowed hard.
Silence. At first he thought you hung up but he could still hear a faint shuffling from the other end of the phone call.
The silence was somehow worse than you cursing him out for bailing.
“Why not? I thought we told each other everything.” your voice was softer this time, more fragile
God, how badly he wanted to. He wanted to tell you about the fights, the injuries he had to patch up alone, the weight of trying to be a hero when all he wanted was to be a normal guy. But if he told you he'd put you into too much risk.
He couldn’t let that happen.
So he did what he always did.
He lied.
“I just need you to trust me,” he said even if his chest ached. “Please.”
You thought for a long moment, then shook your head with a sad smile even if he couldn't see you. “You say that like I don’t already.”
And that hurt more than any punch he’d ever taken.
Because he knew he was running out of chances. The more he lied the more it felt like you were walking away.
“Welp” you said, popping the P, as if trying to lighten up the mood, before taking a small pause. “I'm already half ready and Gwen really wants us to go to the party so if you change your mind just call me?”
"Okay," he whispered into the phone.
"Bye, Rafe." The call ended with a soft beep, leaving him alone with the silence. 
“i suck” He let out a heavy sigh, groaning as he flopped onto his bed. The mask, half-folded over his face, slipped down, unfolding on its own. It rested against his nose—a quiet, relentless reminder of the responsibilities he has over the city.
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"Heyyyy!" Gwen called out, sprinting toward you from the front steps of the school, where she had been waiting. Her face lit up the moment she spotted you approaching.
You hesitated, glancing at the building behind her, you could hear music thumping from inside. 
“Rafe is not with you?” she asked, looking around you thinking she might have missed him.
“No, you know how he is. He bailed again” you sighed.
“What is his problem?” She didn't wait for an answer and continued, “you know what? let's forget about him and just have fun” she looped her arm with yours and instantly began dragging you.
The homecoming party was in full swing, music pounding against the walls, and laughter echoed through the gym where it took place. It reeked of sweat, and the floor was already sticky as if someone had dropped bottles of juice on the floor and honestly if Rafe was here you would have begged him to leave with you already.
You tried to enjoy the moment, despite the nagging feeling in the back of your mind. You clutched a red Solo cup filled with non alcoholic fruit punch, swirling the liquid mindlessly. You knew you’d only take a few sips—just enough to look like you were part of the fun.
Beside you, Gwen nudged your arm with a playful grin. “Come on, loosen up a little! It's homecoming, not a funeral.”
You laughed, rolling your eyes. “I’m trying, okay? This just isn’t really my scene.”
 “You mean you don’t love being crammed in a gym full of sweaty high schoolers who haven't  learned what deodorant is yet, with music so loud it could cause permanent hearing damage?” Gwen dramatically gasped.
“Shocking, right?” You smirked.
“Alright, no excuses. One dance. Then I’ll let you go back to brooding in the corner with your untouched fruit punch.” She grabbed your hand, pulling you toward the dance floor
You sighed but let her drag you along anyway , attempting to let go of the tension in your chest just for a few minutes.
But it didn't last long. 
A single phone rang loudly, cutting through the music—then another, and another, until the entire gym was filled with the sound of alerts. Conversations stopped, and a wave of confusion swept through the crowd as people scrambled to check their phones. Those who had left theirs at home leaned over shoulders, desperate to see what was happening.
It was an emergency alert.
A link attached to the notification led to a live report from a hovering news helicopter. The shaky footage showed Spider-Man in a brutal fight with something massive—a creature that towered over him. Gasps and murmurs spread through the party as people recognized what they were seeing.
Another lizard.
New York had seen its fair share of Dr. Curt Connors copycats, but this one was different. It was bigger—almost dinosaur-sized; its scaly skin was reflecting the city lights as it tore through the streets. The ground seemed to shake even through the screen.
“This… this one’s huge,” someone whispered, their voice barely audible over the growing panic.
The realization hit all at once. This wasn’t just another mad scientist playing with forbidden experiments and  chemicals. This was something worse. And it was heading straight for the school.
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The battle outside was relentless. The massive Lizard roared, its tail whipping through the air, sending cars flying like toys that weighed nothing. Rafe gritted his teeth, webbing up debris and yanking himself through the air to keep up with the monster’s destructive path.
Every web he shot was torn apart and all his strength did nothing against the creature. Rafe's body ached, exhaustion creeping in faster than he wanted to admit. The Lizard was too strong, too fast, and it was pushing forward, heading straight toward the school. Toward you.
He forced himself to move, barely dodging a swipe of the creature’s paws. His vision blurred for a moment, his limbs trembling. His suit was torn. He was too weak. He wasn’t going to make it.  
Then he saw it. In that small moment of hesitation, that single breath he allowed himself to take, the monster had surged forward. Its massive feet slammed into the school celling, reducing the entrance to ashes. Dust and debris shot into the air as the walls groaned under its weight. His chest tightened—he had wasted precious seconds
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A deafening explosion sent shockwaves through the school, knocking people off their feet. walls shattered, dust lifted in the air, screams filled the gym, all the lights were shut off putting the school in full black out and the once-lively party descended into chaos.
Everyone was running frantically, The entire building shook as you all felt the creature getting closer seeking destruction. All you could hear was the scream of people desperately trying to find an exit. 
“We have to go!” Gwen took your hand and began running but there was nowhere to run, the school was falling piece by piece.
The next thing you knew, the Lizard’s massive paw tore through the ceiling, debris raining down. Screams got louder and louder. It wasn’t just destroying the building—it was tearing apart anything in its path.
Even students.
You barely had time to process the horror unfolding before your eyes. The sickening sound of ripping metal, the desperate cries for help—it was too much. You wanted to run, to do something, but your body felt frozen in place, paralyzed by terror.
And then you saw it.
A lifeless hand, limp beneath the rubble. A shoe that hadn’t been there seconds ago. Blood smeared across the floor where moments earlier, there had been laughter.
Your breath hitched, your chest was tightening with a grief so sharp it felt like it might crush you. This wasn’t just destruction. It was a massacre..
You barely had time to process  it before a chunk of debris came crashing down—right toward you and a figure dressed in red and blue dropped from the ceiling and came at you as fast as light could travel.
In a blur of motion, you were flying through the air, held tightly against a strong chest. 
“You need to go!”  Spiderman yelled as soon as he dropped you back on your feet. But you couldn't hear him over the roars and the screams.
Before you could respond, a violent force knocked you both apart. You tumbled across the floor, the wind knocked from your lungs and the monster hovered over you. 
Spider-Man lunged, webbing the creature’s face and yanking it backward. “Run!” he shouted at you, desperation in his tone. He fought with everything he had, flipping, dodging, striking with all the strength he could collect. But the Lizard was relentless.
Then, in the chaos, you tried to run—but the Lizard’s tail lashed out, striking you hard. The sound of impact was harsh. You hit the ground with a sickening thud.
“No!” Rafe’s voice cracked, Something inside him snapped. Rage flooded his veins, and every ache, every ounce of exhaustion vanished.
With a furious roar, he attacked. His punches came harder, his movements faster. He webbed the Lizard’s limbs, yanking it into the ground with a force that shattered concrete. He didn’t let up. He couldn’t. Not after what had just happened.
Finally, with one last web the monster was tied to the floor unmoving and unconscious, the host of the lizard and succumbed.
But none of it mattered.
Rafe stumbled toward you, collapsing beside you before pulling his mask up to truly see you.
 “No, no, no—come on” he pleaded, his hands lifted your head up and he felt the liquid pouring out of the large gash behind your head. His blood stained hands trembled as he brushed the hair from your face, his vision blurred with tears. “Please, Y/n—”
Your eyes fluttered open slightly, breathing shallow. A weak, bittersweet smile ghosted your lips. “I always knew,” you whispered. “I always knew it was you.”
Rafe froze, his breath catching in his throat.
“I just… wished you told me,” You murmured, fingers barely gripping his suit. “I still would’ve… loved you.”
Tears streamed down his face. “No, don’t—don’t talk like that. You’re going to be okay. I promise, I—”
But you exhaled one last breath, your hand slipping from his suit. Your body went still.
“Please, no. i love you” he lifted your body further into his as if his warmth could bring you back but it didn't.
And after that moment the canon remained intact.
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kawoala · 3 months ago
🐰   ⤷ miya atsumu ⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚
⊂ word count ; 1.1k (1,140)
⊂ content warning ; PART ONE 、camp counselor! reader, miya atsumu, miya osamu, suna rintarou, runa kuribayashi 、past summer flings 、some very slight angst 、atsumu is cocky 、also past mention of sunarin getting shot with an arrow??
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In the dense forest on the outskirts of Inuyama, where the scent of pine mingled with the crisp air, you find yourself surrounded by excited children as they flood from buses, their laughter echoing through the clearing.
You stand next to your best friend for the summer and co-counselor, Runa, as she smiles widely at the kids running amuck. Her freckles are just starting to pop back up again and, in the sun, her light brown eyes are sparkling in the sunlight.
She's beautiful, really. If you were a better person, this gnawing feeling of jealousy probably wouldn’t be festering in your stomach.
You laugh to yourself as a question pops into your head. “Hey,” you say, nudging her side, “do you think the Inarizaki boys will be back this year?”
Without even looking at you, she snorts out her response. “No way, dude. That Sunarin kid is probably traumatized from being shot by an arrow.”
You hum and nod, images of that day flashing through your mind. You let out a little giggle, but cover it with your hand and a clearing of your throat.
“Besides,” Runa continues, “didn’t you have a thing with Atsumu or Osamu or whatever? Whichever twin it was.” She looks over at you now and raises her brows. “Yeah, you were like, devastated when he left early. Wouldn’t it be super awkward?”
Just as you open your mouth to tell her it wasn’t a thing, someone calls out your name. You turn your head to see a camper from last year sprinting towards you at full speed. You barely have time to process before she’s wrapping her arms around you, taking you both to the ground.
“Y/n, Y/n, Y/n!” She chants, squeezing tighter and tighter. The wind is knocked out of your lungs, your vision gets hazy. “I miss you so much! Can we make friendship bracelets again? I’m still wearing mine! Look, look!”
She unwraps her arms and shoves the bracelet into your field of vision. Your face is scrunched up. You’re sure you’re about to throw up.
“Jeni!” Runa shouts, assessing the situation quickly. “Oh my gosh, girl, you got tall! What are you, six feet tall now?”
The little girl gasps and stands up, now wrapping her arms around Runa instead. The older girl looks down at you and gives you a sympathetic look. You let your head drop down to the ground, tuning their conversation out. Your ass hurts, your stomach hurts. You close your eyes and press the palms of your hands against them.
“I show up and you’re already on your back for me? Gettin’ a little desperate now, Y/n.”
You feel your throat go dry. Even after a whole year, you’d recognize that voice anywhere. You don’t even want to open your eyes, but knowing he’s right in front of you makes you do it anyway.
Atsumu Miya staring down at you with that stupidly hot, cocky smirk of his.
You glance over at Runa, who's also staring down at you, but her eyes are wide in a mix of confusion and disbelief. She shrugs and nods her head towards him.
You note that he’s holding his hand out to you, but stand up by yourself, dusting your butt off and wiping your hands on your legs. “Miya,” you greet, nodding. You turn to the other two boys and give them a small smile. “Osamu, Sunarin.”
“‘Sup, Y/n.”
Atsumu laughs lightly. “Nice to see you, too, Y/n.” He suddenly notices Jeni’s presence and smiles down at her. “Hey, Jeni. You excited to be done with school for the summer?”
“Um, duh,” she says, like it’s obvious.
There’s silence amongst the six of you, and then Runa laughs. Runa laughs and then Jeni starts giggling and soon enough, everyone is laughing.
Eventually, though, the bell rings and all the campers are sent to their pre-assigned cabins. They all rush to put their things away, calling bunks and immediately making new friends.
“What cabin did you get assigned to you this year?” Atsumu asks, jogging up to you. Half of the counselors are tasked with setting the tables in the mess hall. Runa and you had gotten separated, but you hadn’t been fortunate enough to be separated from Atsumu.
You resist the strong urge to roll your eyes. “Robin,” you answer, not bothering to look at him.
“Oh, really?” You can hear his smirk as he speaks. “Guess we’re gonna be neighbors for the summer. I got Bluejay again.”
This time, you don’t stop the eye roll. You walk a little faster, trying to get away from him, but his legs are stupidly long and he immediately catches up with you. Frustrated, you stop in your tracks with a groan.
He stops, too, just in front of you and turns to look at you with a confused expression. “What?”
“What?” You repeat angrily. You don’t even know why you’re so upset. You thought you had gotten over this a while ago. Apparently, the conversations with your school friends and your mother didn’t do anything to the feelings you had for Atsumu last year. “Why do you keep following me? Why do you keep talking to me? What do you want!”
“Uh.” He blinks at you a couple times. “I’m confused.” You watch his bicep flex as he brings a hand up to scratch the back of his neck. “Why are you mad at me? I should be mad at you.”
“You should be mad at me? What the hell are you talking about? We had something last year— whether it was just a summer fling or something more, you weren’t supposed to just leave. You left without a word, so please tell me why you should be mad at me?”
“I did say something,” he says simply. The wind is blowing around you two, not cold, but picking up as it’s getting later. He furrows his brows and narrows his eyes. “I poured my stupid feelings into that stupid letter, told you to text me, and you didn’t. So, yeah, I should be mad at you.”
“What letter?” You ask, still blinded by the anger building up in you. He stays quiet, face going from confused to understanding. “Atsumu, what letter?”
He opens his mouth to talk, but the bell rings once more. Before you know it, hundreds of kids are rushing towards the mess hall. You lock eyes with Atsumu and huff out a breath of warm air. “We’re talking about this later. Ten o’clock at the lake, okay?”
He nods, then turns to the kids and plasters a smile on his face. You do the same. Runa walks towards you with furrowed brows, unaware of what has just happened, but more than willing to hear you rant about it later.
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fungus-no69 · 9 months ago
School LIs x Pc/Reader (x Ivory Wraith)
You/your pronouns for pc, they/them pronouns for LIs, pc is mentioned to be uncanny and strange looking in general, pc is POSSESSED!!! by the IVORY WRAITH!!!!! attempted harassment by Whitney (it fails), burns in Sydney's, mentions of Kylar's parents (maybe spoilery???)
You're never really... here. Always a bit dazed with a faraway look in your eye, yet an alertness to you that means it can't just be disassociation or anything like that.
They see you talking to the mirror a lot, or if not, looking into alleys like you're supposed to be seeing something other than the knocked over bins and occasional stray. Even at the lake in the forest, you're crouched at the edge of it as water licks at your shoes. Sometimes, the shadows seem to warp around you or maybe, your eyes are just a bit too wide to be normal. Something about the way your knuckles jut out too far or even the way that your lip movements don't completely match up with what you're saying.
Sometimes they see you wandering around the street, like a puppet. Clumsy and artificial. If anyone did see your face in those times they'd comment on the vibrant, unnatural blue of your eyes. Or how your skin seems to lose any warmth in its undertones, or maybe the way that you hum to yourself- pressing a hand to your chest and holding onto your pyjama shirt.
They're incredibly concerned that they hadn't noticed before they woke up to seeing you climb out of your window???
Even when you disappear and only appear after a whole day- looking even more out of it than usual and covered in water and some... other sort of substance that Robin just doesn't want to think too hard about
They just assume that's another weird thing you do along with the... everything else.
Look they had reason to believe it's just normal 'you' behaviour okay!
They check on you each blood moon from then on, even offering for you to stay in their room at the end of each month.
If they see you trying to leave out of the window again they may panic and grab you- looking at your face and being chilled by your hollow expression, a smile that makes them uneasy crawling up your face as a voice that's not yours repeats their name
"Robin Robin Robin Robin"
'You' slip out of their grasp before they can react- disappearing behind the windowsill. They probably almost scream before seeing you're fine at the bottom.
They can't help you before you're gone, you'll probably return in the morning anyway.
This bitch ass motherfucker was probably skulking around the alleyways when they saw you staggering towards Nightingale street
They popped up behind you and grabbed your shoulders- hoping to make you squeal.
You didn't.
Simply continued walking.
Whitney just shrugged it off after a second of sulking, adding it to their internal list of your oddities (No they don't think of you often shut up)
They keep following you, teasing, mocking, sexual innuendos- you name it.
They pause when they see you take a beeline into the forest because what the fuck? No one except for tourists and people with a death wish go there (especially on a blood moon)
They're not superstitious per se but everyone and their fucking grandmother knows that what you're doing is a bad idea.
They grab your elbow and finally get a good look at your face, blank expression with unfocused blue eyes that look out of place on you.
For a moment they think they've been following the wrong person around. But that's impossible because they know what their slut looks like!
They open their mouth, probably to insult you or make a comment but nothing comes out when you start repeating their name with a manic grin.
They stumble when you wrench away, breaking into a sprint into the underbrush.
They go to follow you but you're already gone.
They instinctively know something's wrong when they wake up to you shambling out of the temple's pews
They know you're strange, that something's wrong with you on a good day! But this is a whole new level.
Even as goosebumps raise on the nape of their neck, something about you seems familiar. A lingering sense of deja vu keeping them from moving.
They manage to stand up after a minute, limbs feeling heavier with each step they make towards you. Even if they tried, they wouldn't be able to sleep now. The air is stifling and wrong.
You shriek when their necklace brushes your skin as they lean closer, it leaves a torrefied blue mark where it made contact.
Yeah no. That is not normal.
Even without their necklace scalding you, your scream leaves their ears ringing and their head pounding with agony. They can't hear themself over the sound of their heartbeat, bile rises in their throat and they can't process anything but the feeling of hands so cold they burn and the image of cobalt that sears itself into their mind no matter where they look or how hard they squeeze their eyes closed.
They must have been making some kind of noise though, because when they come to- they're kneeling on the floor in between pews with Jordan's hands on their shoulders and you're nowhere to be seen.
They were already following you as soon as they realised that you seemed even more off than usual
Somewhat similar to their parents before they became... whatever they are now.
They don't want you to end up like that! So they fight their body's urge to flee and appear at your elbow- you don't flinch, as per usual.
They hope their presence soothes you, it doesn't. You don't look as bad as they were imagining but their skin is becoming clammy just by being around you. And not in the normal way either!
They start to blabber to you, hoping to get your attention but you don't even spare them a glance! Now you're starting to freak them out.
They try to look at you properly, closer. They don't like what they see.
Blue eyes fixed in front of you, pallid cheeks, blue lips. Your eyes flick down for less than a second before a grin curls onto your lips and you grab them, calling their name
They love it when you say their name but not like that! Not when your voice echoes in their ears and makes their mouth go dry.
As much as their nails dig into your arms and they grasp as hard as they can, you manage to slip away- like their hands just... phased through somehow.
As much as they want to- need to chase you, their feet are rooted to the floor like something's holding them there. They can't do anything but watch as you depart into the forest.
They know that something was wrong! You wouldn't run away from them right? Yeah! That must be it! Something's taken control of you somehow!
They're not sure which idea makes their stomach churn more.
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asdfghjklmals · 2 years ago
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GENRE + T/W: sfw, fluff. WORD COUNT: 2.0k words. TAGS: satoru gojo x fem!oc, boyfriend!gojo, established couple. adoptedkiddo! tsumiki.
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SYNOPSIS: tsumiki wants to get a pet cat, so she devises a plan with satoru on how to ask oc gojo girlfriend for one. AUTHOR'S NOTE: i was inspired to write this after seeing this picture. REMINDER: if you want to imagine yourself in oc gojo girlfriend's character descriptions instead, please do!
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“you want to get a cat?” satoru asked in surprise. his blue eyes peeking through his sunglasses to look at his 10 year old adopted daughter.
“yes! i promise i'll take care of it!” tsumiki said with her hands intertwined together tightly. “i will use my allowance to buy everything it needs! i’ll make sure to clean the litter box too!”
now, satoru gojo wasn’t one to say no. especially if tsumiki, his golden child, was asking. you already had two demon puppies in the house due to megumi's shikigami. the hurdle was getting you to agree on getting a cat too.
“you’re gonna have to ask (y/n). you know she makes the rules in this household.” satoru sarcastically said.
coming up with a plan, tsumiki asked her guardian, “gojo-sensei. can you like… sweeten her up a little bit? like buy her flowers or give her a big kiss before i ask? oh, how about you guys go shopping before i ask? (y/n) has been wanting to buy a new work bag, but she's been busy.”
satoru smiled at the fact that his adopted children could be so cunning and smart. but then again, they were raised by intelligent you and guileful him.
“gotcha.” he winked at the 10 year old. “what time does the boss come home today?” gojo looked at the family calendar on the kitchen wall.
you both had a routine down after work. today was your turn to assist megumi with his after school activities. megumi had a school book club that both you and satoru supervised. you also both took turns with jujutsu training at the high school dojo. it was satoru's day to be in charge of dinner.
“boss comes home at 6:30!” tsumiki sprinted back to satoru, who was sitting on the couch, arms hanging along the backrests. she jumped on the couch to sit next to him.
“why don’t we start dinner? so when (y/n) and megumi come home, they’ll be in a good mood.” the blue eyed sorcerer suggested. he knew that you and megumi would be annoyed if dinner wasn’t ready by the time they got home. he could hear your voice in his head scolding him, ‘why did you wait until we got home to start cooking?’
“oh, you’re right. those two get angry when they’re hungry.”
"i think that’s called hangry, sweetheart.” satoru chuckled as tsumiki went to the kitchen to open the fridge to start dinner.
later that evening
"we're home!" you called out as you and megumi took off your shoes in the foyer. megumi took off his backpack and sighed. you put down your work bag and ruffled his hair, your eyes hidden by a cheeky smile.
"looks like you got roughed up, kid." satoru teased from the kitchen as he saw a couple scrapes on megumi's knee and cheek.
"don't worry about it, (y/n) used her reversed cursed energy to heal me and we made sure to see shoko before we left." he avoided eye contact with him. megumi knew that jujutsu training would be difficult, especially when he was training with the two strongest sorcerers known to man.
"he did really well today." you reported to satoru as he walked towards you and gave you a welcome home kiss. he hugged you as he winked at megumi behind your back.
"what's for dinner?" megumi ignored satoru’s teasing and walked towards his sister. tsumiki happily replied, "katsu and curry."
tsumiki set the table for the four of you. at the little dining table, the seating arrangement was that satoru sat across from megumi, and next to you and tsumiki. megumi preferred to sit next to you anyways, and it was only right that the two guardians that were so in love with each other sat next to each other. (the real reason was that megumi threw his grape juice at satoru during dinner once, which hit his infinity, which means grape juice stained your expensive rug. so they weren't allowed to sit next to each other at dinner anymore.)
"tsumiki, how was your day today?" you asked as you cut into your katsu. satoru seemed like he wanted to say something.
"aren't you going to ask how my day was, babe?" satoru interrupted.
"you can wait." you glared at him. you liked to hear about the kids' day.
you smiled and winked at tsumiki as she got your que to continue, "it was good! we learned about cats today."
"that's great, sweetheart!" you nodded as you scooped a spoonful of curry and rice into your mouth.
"(y/n), tsumiki wants to get a cat." megumi flat out announced. you and satoru choked on your food, surprised but not surprised at megumi's straightforwardness. satoru cleared his throat and started laughing.
"why do you want to get a cat? we already have kuro and shiro." you wiped your mouth with a napkin, clearing your throat while looking at her.
"that's the reason why! megumi has not one, but two dogs... i want a pet too!"
now, you were all for fairness, and she did put up a good point. megumi could summon his demon dogs whenever he wanted and they kept him company. if tsumiki could watch satoru on his days off without getting into trouble, she was definitely responsible enough.
"please, (y/n), pretty please? i told gojo-sensei that i would pay for everything and clean the litter box." tsumiki got out of her chair to dash to your side, grabbing your hand to plead.
you bit your lip in hesitation and looked at satoru, he just smirked at you and nodded his head in approval. ultimately, it was up to you. "okay, sweetie. you have to keep up your end of the deal though."
tsumiki cheered and jumped up and down. she hugged you tightly. "thank you so much! you're the best, (y/n)! i promise i will!"
"satoru will take you first thing in the morning, now finish your dinner." you announced.
"hey! but it's my day off!" satoru complained as you looked at him smugly, blowing him a kiss.
the next day
during work, satoru teleported into your office. it used to scare you, but now you were used to it. you could sense that man's cursed energy from a million miles away.
"when's your break?" he asked while sitting on your desk, looking around in your office. he leaned over and looked at the picture frame on your desk, it was a picture of tsumiki and megumi on their first day of school, a couple months after you and satoru had taken them in. they were so small at the time.
"right now." you shut down your laptop and smiled at him. he walked over to you, intertwined your arms and gave you a kiss. he quickly clasped his hands together and you felt a huge whoooosh!
you closed your eyes and took a deep breath before you almost shot his face with a huge stream of water with your cursed technique. you grit your teeth and put your hand down because you knew it would only hit his infinity. he loved to do this.
"satoru gojo! why did you teleport us away from the school?!" you yelled at him.
he just laughed and pushed you into the pet store where tsumiki was looking at the kittens. "i thought it was only right that both of her guardians were here for this moment."
you rolled your eyes at him while you walked over to tsumiki, hand in hand. "i brought (y/n) so she wouldn't miss this. did you choose which one you wanted?" satoru asked the smiling girl.
"yeah, i want the white one with blue eyes!" she pointed through the glass.
the pet shop owner picked up the kitten and put it gently in tsumiki's arms. the kitten purred as you watched by satoru's side. you could feel yourself smiling again, forgetting that satoru just teleported you away from the school without your permission.
"can you make sure to add in everything a kitten needs?" satoru asked the pet shop owner, flashing his handsome smile, sunglasses sliding down his nose, showing his beautiful blue eyes. the shop owner nodded their head with a shy smile and made sure to grab everything tsumiki needed to be a responsible cat owner. you scoffed at his ridiculous ways of trying to charm people. it may or may not have worked on you when you were both in high school.
you looked at your watch, you had 2 minutes to be back at the school before principal yaga would chew you out for leaving work. "my break is over, satoru. you need to teleport me back to the school. tsumiki, i'll see you at home, sweetheart." you kissed the top of her head as she smiled with the kitten in her arms.
"so bossy..." satoru mumbled while he looked at you.
the two of you stepped outside, satoru drew his teleportation symbol into the ground around you. you grabbed his jaw roughly with your right hand to pull him in, you glared at him and kissed him goodbye before he flashed a shit-eating grin at you. he clasped his hands together to teleport you back to jujutsu high.
back at the apartment
"so, kiddo, whatcha gonna name your new cat?" satoru asked as he placed a big department store shopping bag on the ground next to all the cat supplies. tsumiki's new white kitten laid in her arms, purring.
"i'm naming it catoru!" she smiled brightly.
"are you naming your cat after silly ol' satoru gojo?" satoru asked with a huge smile on his face. him and catoru were twins after all, white-haired and blue-eyed.
"you didn't use the card that's linked to the kids' bank account, did you?" you suspected as you and satoru watched from the couch. tsumiki and megumi admired catoru as it slept in it's little home scratch post. megumi's demon puppies were also watching the kitten curiously next to him, tails wagging furiously.
"not at all." satoru softly said as he brushed your hair behind your ear to sneak a kiss on your temple. he made sure he swiped his own card at the pet store.
whenever purchases were made for the kids, you and satoru would pay for things instead of using their financial aid money that satoru received from the school. they deserved to have whatever they wanted without the worry of finances, both you and satoru made sure of that. it wasn't like you needed the money since you both came from very well-off clans.
"i hope you do the same when we go shopping on sunday." you joked with him, gently slapping his chest.
he chuckled, "don't worry, baby. hey, tsumiki!"
tsumiki turned to look over at her guardians, her brown ponytail flowing in the air, "yes?" she replied.
"can you go get the thing?" satoru asked her sweetly with his eyebrows raised. she nodded her head and ran into her room to grab a shopping bag. satoru sat up from the couch, you looked at them with confusion on your face.
"this is for you, (y/n)!" tsumiki cheerfully handed you the shopping bag.
"you. did. not." you looked over at satoru excitedly. he had his signature shit-eating grin. it was one of your favorite smiles to see on his face.
"open it, babe." he urged you to look into the shopping bag. you squealed as the kids came over to see what you were freaking out about. you pulled out the designer bag that you had been wanting since the start of the new school year. it was your little personal tradition to get a new work bag every year, but you had been so busy with work that you haven't had the time to buy one.
your eyes were entranced by the black leather and gold designer emblem. you tried on the bag by putting it over your shoulder, playfully posing with it as satoru and tsumiki smiled brightly at you.
megumi looked at the bag and quietly said, "that's the bag she wanted? it's ug—" tsumiki shoved an elbow into his side and muttered, "shut up, (y/n) likes it."
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 1 year ago
hihi, i really love ur writing and I wonder if u could do a s/o who does cheer for a bf team with Jeff + the proxies
Hi love!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea! Honestly I think the creeps would love it too! I hope you enjoy 🖤
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Ohhhhh you got this man GOING
His ego goes absolutely WILD
Seeing you in that cute little skirt got him distracted
It takes a while for him to get back in the game, and by that time the football coach is pissed.
Makes some star plays just to impress you too
The crowd roars as he makes the winning touchdown. But all he cares about is you as he throws off his helmet and comes sprinting towards you with that crazed smile
He'll tackle you into a hug and give you the most loving kiss you'd ever gotten from him
He'll pretend he never did it afterwards so don't expect him to ever "remember"
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Motivates him tenfold
When he realizes you're cheering his name from across the mat he seems to get ten times stronger
Everyone's already scared to wrestle him but when they see the change in his eyes it makes them want to run screaming
Lets just say the round doesn't last much longer when you start your cheers for him
Walks over to you when everything's said and done and picks you up in his huge arms and spins you around, planting a kiss on your forehead with a big smile
"My good luck charm, that's what you are."
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Gives you that big ol' toothy grin when he sees you cheering from the stands
They don't have cheerleaders for baseball games but it warmed his heart to see you all in uniform cheering for him
Makes sure to show off even though it's not exactly hard for him to do so
When he hits a home run he absolutely adores the way you go wild! Sprinting around the bases and giving you a wave and blowing a kiss as he touches home
As the inning changes and he's put in the role of pitcher he makes sure to pose all nice for you. He gives you a show. You better take damn pictures
Also signs a baseball for you ;]
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Oh he gets so shy
I doubt the soccer team knows he has a s/o so seeing someone cheering for him was certainly new
As the game gets going he tries his hardest to focus. He is the goalie after all, most of the game relies on his skill.
He doesn't have to try to impress you with his skill
When he throws himself to the side to block the ball he hears your joyful cheers and he can't help but smile
He just saved the game after all
After they've said their good games, he'll run over to you and give you a sweet kiss. You better bet he makes you wear his jersey to school the next day
"D-didn't expect to see you here! My little ch-cheerleader!"
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